Hello again! I am having trouble with Datastore2. Please help me and you will get credit in my game. I am a advanced scripter, (kind of) but I honestly don’t understand this.
I will reveiw all your posts in 12/12/19.
December 12, 2019, 3:33am
…read the post for it? An “advanced” scripter should be able to search first and experiment with the module before posting threads to this category, I would hope.
Documentation | News | Source
DataStore2 is an open source module that uses berezaa’s method of saving data that prevents data loss, caches, and verifies data before saving. DataStore2 has been used in my game visited by 120 million players with a constant concurrent player count of around 3,000 - 8,000 players, one time reaching 12,000 concurrent players. @AlreadyPro ’s latest game Fairy World has 3 million visits and a consistent concurrent player count above 1,000, and a peak of 5…
This is a support category for help on everything related to scripting on the Roblox platform, from extremely basic to even the most technical of issues.
Make sure to search the forum before creating a new topic, many beginner / learning resources have already been created, or maybe your problem has already been solved by someone else.
If you’re looking to show off your project and get opinions and feedback, please use #help-and-feedback:cool-creations instead!
Please do not post bug reports …
December 12, 2019, 10:38pm
Okay, so maybe I am not really good at this stuff. But trust me, I know tables, variables, in pairs, ect,
Kampfkarren linked this tutorial by AlvinBlox, the format might be better for you