local DataStore = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local ds = DataStore:GetDataStore("Ability")
local ds2 = DataStore:GetDataStore("Ability2")
local ds3 = DataStore:GetDataStore("Ability3")
--Don't worry about the rest of the code, except for line 25.
local leader = Instance.new("Folder",player)
leader.Name = "Abilities"
local Cash = Instance.new("BoolValue",leader)
Cash.Name = "Boost"
local Cash2 = Instance.new("BoolValue",leader)
Cash2.Name = "Heal"
local Cash3 = Instance.new("BoolValue",leader)
Cash3.Name = "Engineer"
for _, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
ds:SetAsync(player.UserId, player.Abilities.Boost.Value)
ds2:SetAsync(player.UserId, player.Abilities.Heal.Value)
ds3:SetAsync(player.UserId, player.Abilities.Engineer.Value)
ds:SetAsync(player.UserId, player.Abilities.Boost.Value)
ds2:SetAsync(player.UserId, player.Abilities.Heal.Value)
ds3:SetAsync(player.UserId, player.Abilities.Engineer.Value)
Okay, your code is sort of confusing. But anyway, usually bind to close is after the PlayerRemoving
function. Also why is there an end after the final SetAsync
and not where the PlayerAdded
function is?
I will have to fix the abilities things later, do you have a idea why the new code isn’t working?
Not really, but anything you have to fix should probably be fixed anyway, just in case.
Please use one data store and save everything in a table
Alrighty! I need to do other things though, so it might take me a mintue.
I can’t since i do not want people seeing the values of the abilities
You can still do that by the way, I do it in my game, the actual data is stored in tables, whenever a player joins, a ServerScript gets that data through a ModuleScript and sets the values in the player to the values of the data. Whenever I want to update the data, all I have to do is fire a BindableEvent and that will just set the values in the player to the values of the data.
Updated code that supports abilities:
local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local isStudio = RunService:IsStudio()
local DataStoreService = game:GetService("DataStoreService")
local ds = DataStoreService:GetDataStore("LeaderStatSave")
local temporalData = {}
local abilities = {
local leader = Instance.new("Folder")
leader.Name = "leaderstats"
local private = Instance.new("Folder")
private.Name = "PrivateStats"
local Coins = Instance.new("NumberValue", leader)
Coins.Name = "Coins"
local Wins = Instance.new("NumberValue", leader)
Wins.Name = "Wins"
leader.Parent = plr
temporalData[plr.UserId] = ds:GetAsync(plr.UserId) or {}
if temporalData[plr.UserId].Abilities == nil then
temporalData[plr.UserId].Abilities = {}
for _, ability in ipairs(abilities) do
if temporalData[plr.UserId].Abilities[ability] == nil then
temporalData[plr.UserId].Abilities[ability] = false
local bool = Instance.new("BoolValue")
bool.Name = ability
bool.Value = temporalData[plr.UserId].Abilities[ability]
temporalData[plr.UserId].Abilities[ability] = bool.Value
bool.Parent = private
private.Parent = plr
Coins.Value = temporalData[plr.UserId].Coins or 0
temporalData[plr.UserId].Coins = Coins.Value
Wins.Value = temporalData[plr.UserId].Wins or 0
temporalData[plr.UserId].Wins = Wins.Value
if plr:IsDescendantOf(game) or temporalData[plr.UserId] == nil then
if isStudio then
print("Data not saved because it runs in Studio")
local s, err = pcall(function()
ds:UpdateAsync(plr.UserId, function()
return temporalData[plr.UserId]
if s ~= true then
warn("Failed saving data for player: " .. plr.Name .. ", key: " .. plr.UserId .. "\n" .. tostring(err))
print("Data saved for player: " .. plr.Name)
temporalData[plr.UserId] = nil
Just know, i am not a great scripter but this is extremely confusing, i;ve never used module scripts in my life so yeah.
Thanks! Do i just add more after the heal engineer etc etc?
Just a question, what is the point? Wouldn’t this always be true?
Thanks but could i make it so its inside the player as my scripts require that
example, can i do
private.Parent = plr
Edit: it’s there, my bad.
This is absolutely more reliable, when player leaves they no longer exist in game that’s why
So couldn’t you just do if plr
Your data should be set to table, try resetting your data
game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetDataStore("LeaderStatSave"):RemoveAsync(your user id)
Sorry if this has already been mentioned, I’m on my phone. Have you considered using a community resource such as ProfileService? Resources like this are great at hiding all the complexities of data storage and providing you the necessary functions. They work on the concept of ‘promise’ to save data.
I think i should do this in console, am i right?
I do not know whats a “ProfileService” but i guess i will learn.