Hey guys! I’m starting a new game, where you’re stuck at a Research Station in the middle of an arctic wasteland.
The objective is, to gather equipement and ressources, to survive with the other players under those harsh conditions. But the objective will probably evolve with the game.
I’ll update the post every time I work on it and will read every single comment, so don’t hesitate to give some feedback and suggestions. I also accept negative feedback, so don’t hold back.
Part 1
Today I started my game, by creating the first part of the arctic base. I made a straght part, a X-Piece, a closed wall and a window-wall. The walls are here, so that I can close up the X-Piece. Like that, I can create a T-Piece and a curve. I also made a lamp.

I don’t know what to think about that. Can you give me some feedback about it?
Part 2
Today I created a Door-Part and the Door. The Door has a ProximityPrompt that opens it. When activated, the Prompt disappears and the doorhandle turns. After that, the door opens and remais open for 10 seconds, before the door and the doorhandle close. Only then the door can be opened again.

Part 3
Today I inserted the Door into the doorpart and added a Doorframe. I also started to plan the gameplay of the game.
As previously explained, the players will have to collect ressources to manage the arctic base. I’m planning to add dead trees and bushes, that give different amount of wood, depending on if it is a tree or a bush. The wood shall then be used, to create energy for the base.
I also want to put snow piles and Ice clumps, that the players can scavenge and melt down at the base. Like that, they’ll be able to create water using energy and ice / snow.
I am also thinking about giving the players tools, to harves trees and ice clumps, that will give more ressources, but I’m not sure, how the players will get the tools.
I also would more ressources around the map, but I’m out of Ideas.
Can you give me feedback on how I planned the gameplay? (negative feedback is feedback too
Part 4
Today I started to plan the GUI, since I didn’t got any answer or suggestions about last day. First I planned to add a health , hunger
, water
and temperature bar
and created many variants of it:
Tell me what you think about them. After that, I started to plan the GUI of the screen.:
- Notifivations and Events in the upper middle
- Buffs and Defuffs in the right upper corner
- Stat bars at the lower right corner
- inventory at the bottom
- menu, settings and shop at the lower left corner
There’s still some place in the last corner, but I don’t know what to put there.
If you have any Idea or feedback, don’t hesitate to write it down below (negative feedback is feedback too
Part 5
I finally did it. I created the first part of the UI, the life, hunger, thirst and temperature meter:
When the players hunger is 0, it takes 1 damage per second. If it’s thirst is 0, it also takes 1 damage per second. When it’s temperature is -15°C / 4°F or below, it also takes 1 damage per second. These damages per secons stack, so if the player has all 3 of these conditions, it takes 3 damage per second. When the Health gets to 0, the player respawns at the base with all stats at 100% (for temperature it’s 20°C / 68°F)
Next I’ll start creating tools and equipement
, so that players can stay alive. I’ll maybe start with the ressource collection. If you have any Idea or feedback, don’t hesitate to write it down below
(negative feedback is feedback too
Part 6
I started the rooms of the bases, with the community room:
This room is currently empty, and has two parallel entries. I don’t exactly know, what I want to put inside this room. I am goint to wait for some suggestions, before going on with it. The following things won’t be in the room, because other rooms will have those functions:
- Equipement
- Storage
- Medical stuff
The game will have three bases, that will compete against each other. Each base will have a overseer, like in the game “generic roleplay gaem” (very good game btw.). In the base, players will be able to choose between different jobs.
The overseer can define the credits per minute and the credit per task performed (for example a medic will get money for healing players or a warrior will get money for killing players from other bases).¨
When Players quit and rejoin the game, they’ll be unemployed again, and will loose all their tools, but the credits will be saved when quitted.
If you have any Idea or feedback, don’t hesitate to write it down below (negative feedback is feedback too
Part 7
I started creating the tools, armors, Items and their recipies for the game. It kinda seems a little bit short, but I still have room for suggestions:
First of all, the players will have to collect Raw Ressources . Either by mining, chopping trees, hunting or collecting stuff on the ground.
- With Wheat, Fruits, Water and Meat you can create various consumables.
- With Fur, Feathers, Coal and Iron you can craft precious materials, used to make tools, weapons and armors
- With Snow, Ice,Ice Crystals, Branches, Wood and Coal, you can create some Ressources for your Base, like Energy or Water.
For the next Part I will try to create a custom Inventory with armor and clothes
If you have any Idea or feedback, don’t hesitate to write it down below (negative feedback is feedback too