Yes you can? What? Just send them the game link to join and you join when they have started playing.
the reason why is because CharacterAdded Is only for the added plr before, and maybe it is because you cannot simply use that in-game. Instead, use “GetPlayersByCharacter” like this.
for _, char in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayerByCharacter()) do
local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if hum then
Deaths.Value += 1
--we will talk about this line in the post
Now, the line in which I said we will talk about is the issue here. Basically, you will need a remote event to do this.
local replicatedstorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local event = replicatedstorage:WaitForChild("Event")
local serveroofs = replicatedstorage:WaitForChild("ServerOOFs")
serveroofs.Value += 1
Now, we are able to make this happens for the whole server
for _, char in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayerByCharacter()) do
local hum = char:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if hum then
Deaths.Value += 1
--now, below is changed
Edit: You probably do not have to do a remote event, but I’d try it. If It doesn’t work you can always just change it back to
game.ReplicatedStorage.ServerOofs.Value += 1
Why are you firing a remote on the server to the server?
Can you tell us if it prints the player correctly in playeradded upon joining?
I mean, you could change it so that the event handles both the deaths in the player itself and the replicatedstorage. Your choice, but I also do not think you are able to humanoiddied event in the server scripts.
Here (I replaced it from @Sniperkaos’s reply but still doesn’t work tho):
--Leaderstats script here
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")
z = hum.Died:Connect(function()
d.Value = d.Value + 1
So did you already get the solution to the issue? You haven’t really marked anything as the solution
Other than making a death counter, did you do anything else with the leaderstats?
I still haven’t tried your script yet i was opening roblox studio
Edit: Ok now im going to test your script
Create a localscript in starterplrscripts, firing a humanoid.Died event and fire a remote to the server from there.
Didn’t work i got an error saying:
GetPlayerByCharacter is not a valid member of Players
Add a wait() before the line of code
I don’t think that’s how you fix this error
do you have any other script that messes with the value? because when I playtested my script it worked completely fine
Well it works fine because you are the only person in the server
no, you can make a local server with multiple “dummy” players in studio
Yes i know but it doesn’t work for me in a local server
which is why I asked you if you have any other script that interferes with the deaths leaderstat
You mentioned you had datastore code in the same script. Can you please cut the datastore code then share the results?
Ok i made a script with no data store script now let me see if this works