Debounce is too slow?

Hi, I’m using UserInputService in one of my scripts and a Debounce so that the this doesn’t happen:
And it still happens.
This is part of the script I used:

UserInputsService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, GPE)
			if GPE then return end
			if DeBounce then return else DeBounce = true end

			print("Pressed "..tostring(input.KeyCode).."!")

			-- Does something here

			DeBounce = false

Is the script to slow, and by the time it’s at the 3rd line, another event fires?

Solution has been found, however, I still don’t understand why it says I pressed a key 3 times if I only pressed it once.

Try using this?

UserInputsService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, GPE)
	if not DeBounce and not GPE then


		print("Pressed "..tostring(input.KeyCode).."!")

			-- Does something here

wait(1) -- change amount if you'd like

			DeBounce = false

If there is any problems blame my tab key /j

It would work, but I’m using this in a race, so I have to handle this as fast as possible.

Well, you’re clicking the button 3 times and it’s registering 3 times. The only way a debounce actually works is by blocking other signals while it’s processing the ongoing one.

you can set the


to something like 1/10th of a second

Lua is single-threaded so this is not possible.

You could use a timestamp to ensure inputs are at least a set time apart:

local debounce = false
local timestamp = 0
local min_interval = 0.01
UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gpe)
	if gpe or debounce then return end
	if os.clock() - timestamp < min_interval then return end
	timestamp = os.clock()
	debounce = true
	-- code
	debounce = false

I would suspect what is happening is that your entire function is too fast, so the debounce is completed too quickly and the subsequent duplicate ‘fires’ are processed. You need a small pause (wait) before debounce = false
maybe .1 or .01 seconds depending on how quickly you want to rearm the button.

What are you even trying to do here? There is no meaning to a debounce if there is no cooldown between actions.

P.S. XY Problems and You: Develop better questions for your problems


It works now, but why does it think I pressed a key 3 time?

because you did not put something that detects a specific key

local debounce = false
local timestamp = 0
local min_interval = 0.01
local keycode = "E"
UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gpe)
	if gpe or debounce then return end
if input.KeyCode~=Enum.KeyCode[keycode] then return end
	if os.clock() - timestamp < min_interval then return end
	timestamp = os.clock()
	debounce = true
	-- code

	debounce = false

That part was in the Does something here part of the script:

UserInputsService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, GPE)
			if GPE then return end
			if DeBounce then return else DeBounce = true end

			print("Pressed "..tostring(input.KeyCode).."!")
			if input.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode[currentKey.Value] then
				player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame = player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame +,0,Speed)
			elseif table.find(inputs,input.KeyCode) then
				player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame = player.Character:WaitForChild("HumanoidRootPart").CFrame -,0,Speed)
			DeBounce = false

Maybe because the print line is before the one that detects a specific key?

that could be why, if you put it after the next line it should print only if the player presses the correct key

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