Decal Layering Problems with Invisible Parts

Hey everyone!
For the past couple of days, I’ve been working on some voxel terrain generation. I’m now at the point where I’m adding textures, and I’m running into some issues. First off, decals don’t seem to fair well when on invisible BaseParts. The decals seem to randomly render over each other on block faces, like this:

As you can see on the block to the right, the right face of the block is rendering over the front face of it. For other blocks, I could just not make it transparent, but leaves do need to be transparent, so there’s nothing I can do here. Another example can be seen with my grass:

The top face of the block is rendering about the actual grass itself, causing it to look very confusing.

Decals on different faces render over each other at certain angles.

How can I fix this?



I’ve just searched up your problem and it seems to be something wrong with studio. I don’t think it can be fixed.

Here is the comment I found:

However, maybe if you textures instead of decals it would work? If that doesnt work I would try to use surface GUIs.

Hi! Thanks for replying so quickly! I’m not sure textures would work here, as they’re designed to repeat in a tile pattern, but I’ll look into the surface gui thing, although I’m not sure how much lag hundreds of surface guis would cause compared to decals

Yes, I was also thinking that surface GUIs would cause some lag. However, textures can work for you.


Just make sure that in the settings, both offsets are at 0. For the studsPerTileU put it as the width of your part. And studsPerTileV would be the height of your block. I feel like textures would be better than decals even if your first problem didn’t exist. I hope this works!

Alright, I’ll give it a shot an let you know how it goes!

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Hi, I just tested it, and the issue seems to be persisting:

How it’s supposed to look:

I have recreated your scenario in my studio. I tried putting the transparency of the texture just a bit more than 0. I tested putting it at 0.2, and I THINK??? it worked? I’m not entirely sure though.

huh, didn’t fix it for me at all

This is with the transparency at 0:

And this is with he transparency at 0.2:

I feel like it looks better, but then again it’s your game and your opinion is all that matters. I guess the problem is with studio. I tried messing around with ZIndex, but that didn’t change anything. The last resort is surface GUIs, it may cause lag, but I think it’s worth a try.

Alright, I’ll give it a shot and see if it works

SurfaceGUIs did fix the problem, but it did increase the average chunk generation time by more than a second, which would add about a full minute for a normal batch of chunks to generate. I’m not sure I’ll keep this for long, but I guess it’s better than glitching as bad as before.

Sorry for the late reply I got off my computer :sweat_smile:. I’m glad it fixed the problem, but the generation time getting longer is not preferable. Maybe when you’re in the actual game, and not testing in studio it could get better?

Unless roblox’s actual servers have more capability than my pc, I doubt it. Anyways, I’ve just shifted how my game works, so a couple seconds more generation time shouldn’t be that big of an issue. Thanks for the help!

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