Decal spam anti script

Hello everyone. Some random exploiters did this to my game;

I made a anti decal spam but it’s do not work, help needed.

In serverscriptservice:

while wait(0.2) do
	if workspace.Baseplate.Texture.Texture ~= "rbxassetid://6372755229" then
		for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
			v:Kick("This server got hacked, but our anti exploit is more powerful.")

Try looking for the source of the issue to remediate it permanently instead of finding a workaround. Do you have any suspicious scripts in your game?

As well, check for any scripts calling require that you do not recognize. A recent feature addition has made this easier by printing when a module is required.

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I believe that the texture ID is the same texture id belonging to the default baseplate texture. Do correct me if i am wrong.

Try to listen for .ChildAdded and see if the object that was added is a decal, and maybe make a Whitelist for certain Decal Ids.
Also, does this happen every time you join a server, even if none is in it?
If so, as @COUNTYL1MITS mentioned, it could be a malicious script in your game, highly-likely to be from a plugin or a free model.

No, it’s one of my admins who inject it but I really don’t wanna fire them.

Could you show me a script by example of doing that?

Why do you not want to fire an admin who injects a script into your experience and causes an inconvenience?


Cause I can’t. He setted up the bot to rerank him.

Okay you know what I fired him but I still need help

can you not just erase the bot or take out the block of code that re-ranks him?

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Do something like:

local baseplate = (workspace:WaitForChild("Baseplate"));

local whitelistedDecals = { };
function Shutdown()
	for _, player in next, game:GetService("Players"):GetChildren() do
		player:Kick("This server got hacked, but our anti exploit is more powerful.")

	if (instance:IsA("Decal")) then
		if not table.find(whitelistedDecals, instance.Texture) then

ty for the help but bruhh lol