Default CameraModule resets Camera Angle when CameraType changes

A recent change to the default PlayerModule has caused a bug. When you change the Camera’s CameraType (in my case, from Scriptable to Custom) the camera’s angle is reset to behind your character.

I have traced this bug to the Roblox-provided Module PlayerModule.CameraModule.BaseCamera. It is the result of enabling FFlagUserOrganizeBaseCameraConnections

The Cause of the Bug

Every time a camera module that derives from BaseCamera (including in our case, ClassicCamera) becomes enabled, the method _setUpConfigurations is called:

function BaseCamera:OnEnabledChanged()
	if self.enabled then
		if FFlagUserOrganizeBaseCameraConnections then
			self:_setUpConfigurations() -- here

The method _setUpConfigurations will call OnCharacterAdded if the player has a Character:

if FFlagUserOrganizeBaseCameraConnections then
	function BaseCamera:_setUpConfigurations()
		self._connections:trackConnection(CONNECTIONS.CHARACTER_ADDED, player.CharacterAdded:Connect(function(char)
		if player.Character then
			self:OnCharacterAdded(player.Character) -- here

And finally, resetCameraAngle is set to true by OnCharacterAdded:

function BaseCamera:OnCharacterAdded(char)
	self.resetCameraAngle = self.resetCameraAngle or self:GetEnabled() -- here

The resetCameraAngle property causes the camera angle to be reset the next time the camera’s Update is invoked.

Reproducing the Bug

I have include a basic repro file. Press C to toggle your CameraType to Scriptable and back. You can see that it causes your camera’s angle to snap back behind your character.
CameraAngleResetRepro.rbxl (55.0 KB)

A Solution to the Bug

I think a good solution to this would be to make sure we haven’t already called OnCharacterAdded for this Character:

function BaseCamera:OnCharacterAdded(char)
	if char == self.lastCharacter then
	self.lastCharacter = char

Expected behavior

It is understandable that the Camera’s focus would snap to your character (if necessary) when changing the CameraType from Scriptable to Custom, but it should not reset the Camera’s angle.


See Changing CameraType to Custom Resets Camera Position

Thanks so much for making this! I was losing hope I’d be able to fix it in my game.

Updates on the fix to this? This is a major problem.

I disabled a fastflag for now, but I won’t be getting player script updates this way