Defend The Train - Version 0.6.4


Version 0.6.4 BETA (Christmas Update)
This update adds limited-time additions alongside a few features and fixes.


  • Added new track (Aurora’s Peak [Event])
  • Added 4 new skins (Santa’s Reindeer {Event}, Toy Parade {Event}, Polar Outlaws [Medic, Psycho] {Event}, Jack Frost [Psycho] {Event})
  • Added new style (Cozy [Choco-Kat] {Event})
  • Added 2 new weapon skins (Festive [Assault Rifle, Heal Gun, Shotgun, Pistol, Boba Blaster, Dead-Man’s Gambit] {Event}, Snowglobe [Deflector] {Event})
  • Added new emote (Toy March {Event})
  • Added new sticker (Freeze {Event})
  • Added new setting (Zoom Player Visibility, Marked Destructibles)
  • Added rankings to campaigns
  • Added emote and sticker button to the topbar
  • Readded Glacier Palace
  • Readded Toy Workshop
  • Readded Toy Room


  • Fixed Tomahawk being able to enter the hold animation after a throw
  • Fixed sector shock not applying correctly to passengers on campaign(?)
  • Fixed the Thief Van sometimes missing shots
  • Fixed UTE freezing itself on a missed throw
  • Fixed the UTE sometimes being able to target players on campaign
  • Fixed doors on Road to Bandit Base lobby being deleted with minimal track details
  • Fixed Capo Psycho’s finisher not playing correctly
  • Fixed Ice Dragon’s frostbite effect applying an EXP ban
  • Fixed Dual Motorcycle’s driver’s animations
  • Fixed C4 on extra sectors having collision
  • Fixed next track icon displaying on the last wave of campaigns
  • Fixed Dinner Blaster’s screen
  • Fixed Quickshot Rifle’s mobile buttons not displaying correctly
  • Fixed Toxic Waste not hiding the ammo label on equip
  • Fixed Dr. Fuzzy’s hat
  • Fixed pump on the Shotgun being misaligned


  • Removed mobile buttons for emotes and stickers

General Changes

  • Set previous Christmas items on-sale
  • Reflectables will now display damage dealt
  • Increased Medicopter’s EXP multiplier from 2 > 3
  • Adjusted Tomahawk’s model’s offset on it’s projectile
  • The UTE will now spawn closest to passengers on campaign
  • Updated Thief Van to target players if spawned on Endless
  • Reduced Ghost Town Motorcycle’s Driver’s max health from 210 > 150
  • Reduced Dual Motorcycle’s Driver’s max health from 212 > 150
  • Reduced Dual Motorcycle’s Passenger’s max health from 187 > 100
  • Increased Toy RC’s health from 350.> 400
  • Increased Toy RC’s max health from 900 > 1000
  • Increased Toy RC’s defense from 0% > 40%
  • Increased Toy RC’s speed from 9s > 6s
  • Increased Toy RC’s turret’s health from 75 > 125
  • Increased Toy RC’s turret’s max health from 300 > 225
  • Increased Toy RC’s Driver’s health from 100 > 200
  • Increased Toy Bike’s health from 300 > 400
  • Increased Toy Bike’s max health from 700 > 1000
  • Increased Toy Bike’s defense from 0% > 50%
  • Increased Toy Bike’s speed from 8s > 4s
  • Increased Toy Bike’s can’s health from 200 > 400
  • Increased Toy Bike’s can’s max health from 1000 > 1200
  • Increased Toy Bike’s Driver’s health from 150 > 200
  • Increased Toy Bike’s Driver’s max health from 400 > 600
  • Reversed up and down keys on freecam
  • Dead players are now given infinite stamina
  • Updated tutorial prompt
  • Updated unowned item warning
  • The item info’s buttons are now hidden while the unowned item warning is on-screen
  • Updated Game Over screen to display the gamemode and difficulty
  • Updated tooltip for Secondaries Only
  • Increased Modded’s price from 1000 > 1800
  • Set lobby to Christmas
  • Set UI colour scheme to Christmas theme
  • Updated Ice Dragon
  • Updated Modded
  • Updated Desert Intern, Senior, and Junior
  • Filled in Glacier Palace’s wave warning icons
  • Updated Ads
  • Updated Gallery



This year’s Christmas update is now out! The new track includes Aurora’s Peak, a mystical mountainside within an auroral zone. Completing this track alive will award you the Azurite skin for Gunslinger!

Event tracks have been adjusted so the newest one will always appear between waves 7 - 9. It can still be selected by chance just like the returning tracks, though it’ll always be guaranteed at the mid-point of the game so you no longer can waste hours getting super unlucky in trying to get the event track.

There are also plenty of new items that’re available in the shop for a limited period of time. All of the items from the previous year have also returned. This event will end on January 20th, 2025.


Campaign Ranks

This update adds in a rank system to campaigns! This is purely cosmetic and does not have any effect on gameplay, but this is essentially Campaign’s equivalent to highscores. Upon completion, your team will be graded from S - D based on your performance. For the Ghost Town and Forest campaign, the rank given is as simple as how many crates or passengers were left intact by the end of the run.

A player’s rank in each campaign for each respective difficulty can be viewed on their profile card in the Highscores section. When viewing your own card, you’ll also be able to view a list of items from said campaign’s prize pool that you have yet to earn!

New Settings

By popular demand, a player visibility setting has been added that’ll allow you to hide your teammates while zoomed in with any weapons that have said ability. It is turned off by default, though you may change the transparency to anything between 0 - 1.

All special healthbars on destructible objects are now tagged with an “Attack!” label by default. New players didn’t seem to pick up on the fact that these objects are meant to be shot at, so this label was added overtop of the healthbar to help indicate that. It’s a bit of a yellow paint design choice that I’m not entirely sure on so it’s uncertain if I’ll be keeping it like this, but regardless this may be turned off if you wish to just see the healthbar by itself via the “Marked Destructibles” setting.

UI Changes

When attempting to buy a style for an item the player doesn’t own, the warning message has been changed to actually display a picture of said item instead of just plain text. The wording of the message has also been adjusted in addition to use of RichText to highlight important parts in colour.

This change was also made to the tutorial prompt so it’ll now display a picture of the New Hire style instead of just describing it in text, which I’m sure caused some confusion to new players on what the hell we were talking about!

This next change mostly affects mobile players, though the new addition here is universal across all platforms. You may have noticed that the emote and sticker buttons are gone from the button layout which is intentional! When watching some friends of mine play on their phone, they’d often accidentally open the menus when trying to use their weapons so I’ve opted to move them elsewhere.


You are now able to find the emote and sticker buttons on Roblox’s top bar! They function the same and will simply just toggle the respective menus like the mobile buttons did.