Deleted. I found the answer.
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February 4, 2021, 1:51am
Not sure if this will be helpful for you but I remember reading a post on this a while back,. Self-Driving Neural Network Cop Cars
Hopefully it’ll be of some use!
February 4, 2021, 2:42am
I would recommend making a more simple ai first, just so you understand it better
Machine learning is the process of computers finding numbers by trying out things from previous numbers in the goal to get as close to a target. In Machine Learning we need what is called a model. This model tells us how our network should look like in a sense. Here is a sketch of what our model will be.
[Screen Shot 2021-02-02 at 11.16.34 AM]
Let’s just break this down. The input layer holds, well are input. Nothing special here. Our hidden layer harbors our neurons. We are jus…
From there I would recommend a model like this (please leave credit if you use this)
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February 24, 2021, 2:19pm
Here’s the roblox AI car demo.Take a look at it.It can help you.