[Deprecated] Discord to Roblox Ban Bot

For example, a template string in Javascript is

let str = `Hello ${name}`;

While in Python it’s

str = f"Hello {name}";

Python is also annoying when it comes to spaces, while Javascript, in most cases, isn’t

When I am setting up the bot I keep getting the “HttpError: DnsResolve” error in the console. With further digging it supposedly means the domain isn’t on a DNS server. Is there any way this is fixable-?

Only thing that I can see that would cause that error is by invalid configuration

Mhm… It might be that I am entirely confused on subURLForGettingBans. If possible, can you explain this in more depth for my understanding?

Thank you so much for giving an explanation. I will be reviewing the configuration to see if I can fix the issues.

can you explain me how do i get my own Direct glitch url please?


Hello, I am just letting you know there is a problem with your code, “const got = require(‘got’);” it errors out and returns “Error: Cannot find module ‘got’” Thank you for your time reading this!

You need to install the got package, execute the command npm install got in the terminal

What does sub-url mean and what do I put in it? Glitch project name?

I explain what a sub-url is in this reply

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Every time I add this to my game someone finds a way to exploit it, and end up banning everyone in the game. Then I have to manually wipe the database to ensure all of the people can get unbanned. Is there any preventative way to protect the code from being exploited?

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Explain how please as all the Roblox scripts are doing is getting the bans @AIexTheRhino

EDIT: I think I know why, someone added the bot to their own server, copied the role name, and is doing ban sprees left and right. I’ll suggest you delete the bot, remake it, private it, readd it, then replace the token in the config file

It’s a fault on your end. Make sure your project is private, take security measures. Convert any .json files over to .env files. Don’t leak your token, etc. If anything, simply use github instead.

This should be a basic check you should know to take if you have any knowledge with Javascript or/and Lua.

It is heavily guarded with all of those procedures taken… I had my Programmer double check it before we published it.

Simply switch over to VSC and push updates over to github every so regularly and host the Glitch URL.

However if someone already has the token, get a new account.

You can refresh the token in the developer page… No need for a new account.

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Hi! Please follow the instructions that I posted here @AIexTheRhino

If you don’t want to do this, then input this code as the ready event and then reboot the bot

client.on("ready", async() => {
     let servers = client.guilds.cache.array();
     for(var i = 0; i < servers.length; i++) {
          if(servers[i].id !== "your server id here") {
               await servers[i].leave();
               console.log(`Left server with ID ${servers[i].id}`);

Hi there @zachariapopcorn I’m currently having an issue with the bot where no matter the permissions I give it, it keeps saying that it doesn’t have permission. Do you know about what the problem is?