Deprecated Enum ClosestNoPath is being thrown from ComputePathAsync()

I’m currently debugging why my GPS system is not able to calculate a usable path w/PathfindingService and have been cross referencing documentation with what I’m experiencing.

The issue I’m reporting is up-to-date API returning a deprecated Enum, this shouldn’t be happening.

The following screenshot is an output displaying the range between my character & target, as well as the outputted Status enum.

And the documentation page for PathStatus clearly showing a deprecated tag on ClosestNoPath

Are you perhaps using the “SupportPartialPath” parameter? The status was recently re-implemented with this feature however the EnumItem wasn’t un-marked as deprecated.

See the post linked above, it’s in a three-phase rollout.

The enum will be un-deprecated when the three-phase rollout of the behavior is completed.

Thanks, there is a lack of documentation for the new stuff & too little surfacing to find this stuff sometimes.

Yes, the documentation could have used some additional updating with that feature release.

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