Yeah I do agree with @EternalEthel, you guys are taking this way too professionally, this was something I’ve been meaning to say for weeks now but keep forgetting. Like it’s okay that you’re charging people for it but this feels like something that’d be used for real video game development, not for Roblox. You don’t see HD Admin or other resources doing this. May I ask why you’re doing this?
Also the new prices are a whole lot better, I still think it’s a bit too (just a little) overpriced but it’s good to start with.
This is a really good idea, starting the time once it gets implemented instead of when buying it is such a good idea. I recommend starting the timer when it starts to be used a significant amount of times in a certain time period, because if it gets used like once or twice every couple days then it’s probably the developer testing their game or testing it out.
Our team acts in a professional manner as we feel if people are paying money for a service, the team behind it should act professional. We try to market ourselves as a way to increase game performance and prevent exploiters from cloning game maps.
Well I’m just not used to seeing devs acting professional, normally they just like talk what it’s about and then send a model link and they’re done, they don’t make a whole membership thing with a login and signup in order to access it.
Alright, also since you lowered down the prices, will the people who paid for the old prices get more time? What about people who bought ‘Forever’ when it was twice the amount? Will they get certain perks?
why you put in on Help and Feedback Category? if your doing a project not asking feedback, you shouldn’t put it on Help and Feedback Category because its not match
The reason why they put it in the Creations Feedback Category is because they can’t put it in Resources since it isn’t open source, and they can’t put it anywhere else since, like you said, it doesn’t match. This category matches the most than the other ones I think, since they’re looking for feedback since it’s very early in development.
Logging in may be annoying for some people(not me) because when you click the visible button and when you type one key in the password textbox, it’s becomes hidden.
The point I’m trying to make is make it so people have to press the hidden in order to hide the password.
Are you sure these payment via robux are sufficient for your service? I know roblox needs money but the devex rates, well i dont think itll be enough to host these kind of servers.
Indeed when we hit enough robux to devex, it should pay for about 12 months worth of services. So given we devex once a year, I will just barely break even. Although the other developers will be more profitable.
I think you should make a plugin so it would be easier for developers to navigate.
My Brain:
Make the plugin so when people click it, it will pop-up a gui. The Gui will have three textboxes.
If the key is invalid, a small red caption will appear saying, “Invalid API! Please get another one at YOURROBLOXGAMELINK or contact us at EMAIL if you think it’s a bug.”
If the delay is below 5, another small red caption will appear saying, “ WARNING! Your game might result in lagging. Please Increase your delay! Tip: Increase your delay as you increase your throttle. ”
You can also make it so developers can’t type in numbers below 5.
Insert/Upload a StreamX Logo as the Background for the plugin and the logo for the plugin. Make an Update button as a done/save button. After that, a small green caption will appear saying, “Successfully Finished!”, as the plugin will do it’s thing.
You can also make a button that shows directions of how to use StreamX.
I’ll make a tutorial video at some point tomorrow. I dont think we’ll be seeing a plugin any time soon though, as the table is easy enough to understand for most people.