[DESPERATE] I have absolutely no idea where to go on from here

  1. What do you want to achieve? I am making a Backrooms game and I want the Backrooms map to be generated randomly using chunks.

  2. What is the issue? I have absolutely no idea where to go on from here. I want to somehow detect how close a player is to a chunk, according to that, multiple other chunks will be placed around that chunk (Don’t know if this is efficient or not). If there are no chunks nearby, a chunk will be generated at the position of the player and many other chunks surrounding that chunk.

Here’s what I have currently made:

local Players = game:GetService("Players")
local ServerStorage = game:GetService("ServerStorage")

local Assets = ServerStorage:WaitForChild("Assets")
local Level0 = Assets["Level 0"]

local Chunk = Level0.Chunk
local Ceiling = Level0.Ceiling
local CeilingLight = Level0["Ceiling Light"]
local Wall = Level0.Wall

local ExistingChunks = {}
local ChunkSize = 200
local NearbyChunkDistance = ChunkSize * 2

function GenerateChunk(Position)
	local Chunk = Chunk:Clone()
	Chunk.Size = Vector3.new(ChunkSize, 2, ChunkSize)
	Chunk.Name = "Chunk"
	Chunk.Anchored = true
	Chunk.Parent = workspace
	Chunk.Position = Position
	table.insert(ExistingChunks, Chunk)
	local Front = (Chunk.CFrame * CFrame.new(Chunk.Size.X/2, 0, 0)).Position.X
	local Back = (Chunk.CFrame * CFrame.new(Chunk.Size.X/-2, 0, 0)).Position.X
	local LeftSide = (Chunk.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0,Chunk.Size.Z/2)).Position
	local RightSide = (Chunk.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,0,Chunk.Size.Z/-2)).Position
	local RandomX = math.random(Back, Front)
	local RandomZ = math.random(RightSide, LeftSide)
	local OriginVector = Vector3.new(RandomX, Chunk.Position.Y + 100, RandomZ)
	local Direction = OriginVector
	Direction.Y = -Direction.Y
	local RaycastResult = workspace:Raycast(OriginVector, Direction)
	if RaycastResult then
		if RaycastResult.Instance == Chunk then
					Here's the part where the walls and some objects will be
					generated into the chunk.


Oh yeah, and this is a server script. I want all the new chunks generated to be visible to other players. I want something similar to this game: ASYNC | The Backrooms - Roblox

This game’s developers have done an incredible work on coding the random generation.

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To generate the Backrooms map randomly using chunks, you could try the following approach:

  1. Determine the starting point: When the game starts or a player joins, you can generate the first chunk at a random position in the workspace, where the player will start. You can use the math.random() function to get a random position within a specific range.
  2. Generate nearby chunks: Once the starting point is established, you can check if there are any existing chunks within a certain distance (e.g. NearbyChunkDistance). If there are no chunks nearby, generate new chunks around the starting point in a random pattern.
  3. Add obstacles and walls: After generating the chunks, you can add obstacles and walls to make the environment look more like the Backrooms. You can use the Instance.new() function to create new instances of parts, and then add them to the chunk.
  4. Update chunks: As the player moves around the map, you can check if they are close to any existing chunks. If they are, you don’t need to generate new chunks. Otherwise, you can generate new chunks around their current position, similar to step 2.

Here’s some sample code to get you started:

local ChunkSize = 200
local NearbyChunkDistance = ChunkSize * 2

-- Helper function to generate a new chunk
function GenerateChunk(position)
    local chunk = Instance.new("Part")
    chunk.Name = "Chunk"
    chunk.Anchored = true
    chunk.Position = position
    chunk.Size = Vector3.new(ChunkSize, 2, ChunkSize)
    chunk.Parent = workspace

    -- TODO: Add obstacles and walls

    return chunk

-- Keep track of all existing chunks
local existingChunks = {}

-- Function to generate new chunks around a given position
function GenerateNearbyChunks(position)
    for i = 1, 5 do -- generate 5 new chunks
        local x = position.X + math.random(-ChunkSize, ChunkSize)
        local z = position.Z + math.random(-ChunkSize, ChunkSize)
        local newPos = Vector3.new(x, position.Y, z)

        -- Check if there are any existing chunks nearby
        local nearbyChunk = nil
        for _, chunk in pairs(existingChunks) do
            if (chunk.Position - newPos).magnitude < NearbyChunkDistance then
                nearbyChunk = chunk

        -- Generate a new chunk if no nearby chunks found
        if not nearbyChunk then
            local newChunk = GenerateChunk(newPos)
            table.insert(existingChunks, newChunk)

-- Function to check if player needs new chunks and generate them if needed
function UpdateChunks(player)
    local currentPosition = player.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position

    -- Check if player is close to any existing chunks
    local nearbyChunk = nil
    for _, chunk in pairs(existingChunks) do
        if (chunk.Position - currentPosition).magnitude < NearbyChunkDistance then
            nearbyChunk = chunk

    -- Generate new chunks if no nearby chunks found
    if not nearbyChunk then

-- Event handlers for player joining and moving
        -- Generate the starting chunk at a random position
        local startPos = Vector3.new(math.random(-500, 500), 0, math.random(-500, 500))
        local startChunk = GenerateChunk(startPos)
        table.insert(existingChunks, startChunk)


This is so complicated tbh, I want to know this first: How do I surround a chunk with 8 other chunks? Like this, the normally coloured carpet is the main chunk and the red ones are the surrounding chunks:

Like is there some kind of math formula for it possibly?
Knowing this first thing here will get me a lot more ahead.
The text you sent me was probably not made by you, but ChatGPT, I assume. So if you did use ChatGPT, then it makes stuff more confusing because it changed all of my code.

You should REALLY search more…