Destuctible Buildings

Hello Forums, I am working on a game that I plan on adding destruction physics to in the future nothing fancy just some smple unanchoring and deleting scripts but the problem is I realise my buildings need to be broken down into smaller parts inorder for them to look good when being destroyed but that would mean I would have to rebuild my entire. I want to know if the is a module of some sorts that allows me to just turn parts into smaller parts when being destroyed or something similiar, any ideas?

well idk about any modules but when creating a grid in a specific size I’ve used nested loops and set the size of the parts to the base parts size divided by the number of grid pieces. Something like this?

This sounds good let me try it

There was this post on a Voxel destruction system, is this what you’re looking for?

Hello, try my module Voxel Destruct. Its optimized for this type of use, settings parts and whole models to be destructible with many customization options. You can use an area of effect or create hitbox from a part to do this.

You do not have to make your buildings out of very small pieces for this module to work, all documentation is included on the thread.

You need to have some basic knowledge of scripting in order to use this tool, if you need help post a comment on the thread and I’ll respond to it. I don’t respond to help from threads outside of the page.


This looks great one question tho if the entire bottom of the house gets destroyed would the top fall

No, but that is a feature I plan on adding soon.

It’s pretty simple. If you detect a destroyed part is over a size threshold, you can delete it and replace it with small parts with the same color and material. Preferably this is done on the client to reduce replication lag.

Ok, This module looks really good keep up the good work and keep me updated

I’ll keep this thread open for a couple more days before I close it