Detect and crash every string in CoreGui

pls dont paste this into visionary im begging you

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glaze, make your own detections dont make me flame you too

“i was bored so I decided to detect some popular scripts:” like he didnt CTRL+C CTRL+V


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bro thinks he owns preload async LOL

local LongStr = string.rep("的是不了人在有我他这中大来上个们为到和地出要于你说会就下得可也时对生能而子那得知过多\n", 5000000)

The translated chinese sentence means

It’s impossible for people to know too much about me and him. We can’t do it just because you want to do what you say.

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This sentence is meaningless, because it’s just
some randomly typed things


I dont know how this works but i asked to GPT and this is his he says

This script is designed to exploit the Roblox game environment by manipulating the localization service. Here’s a breakdown of what each part does:

  1. Initialization and Service Retrieval:

    local Localization = game:GetService("LocalizationService")
    local LocaleId = Localization.SystemLocaleId
    • It retrieves the LocalizationService and gets the system’s locale ID.
  2. Blocked Commands List:

    local Blocked = {
        "explorer / dex",
        "olddex / odex",
        "audiologger / alogger",
        "serverinfo / info",
        "autorejoin / autorj",
        "serverhop / shop",
        "savegame / saveplace",
        "clientantikick / antikick (CLIENT)",
        "nosafechat / disablesafechat",
        "headsit [player]",
    • This list contains commands or script names that are presumably unwanted or malicious.
  3. Crash String:

    local Crash = string.rep("的是不了人在有我他这中大来上个们为到和地出要于你说会就下得可也时对生能而子那得知过多\n", 1e6)
    • This creates a very large string by repeating Chinese characters 1 million times. The purpose of this string is likely to cause the game to crash or lag significantly due to its size.
  4. Loop to Create Localization Entries:

    for i, text in Blocked do
        local translation ="LocalizationTable")
            Key = tostring(i),
            Source = text,
            Values = {
                [LocaleId] = Crash,
        translation.Parent = Localization
    • For each item in the Blocked list, it creates a new LocalizationTable.
    • It sets the entry’s source text to the blocked command and its value to the large Crash string for the current locale.
    • This effectively replaces any blocked command’s localization with the crash string, causing disruption when these commands are used or displayed.
  5. Script Cleanup:

    script.Name = "LocalScript"
    getfenv().script = nil
    • Renames the script to “LocalScript” (likely a disguise or misdirection).
    • Destroys the script to remove traces of it being present.
    • Sets the script reference in the environment to nil to avoid detection.

The primary purpose of this script is to crash or severely disrupt the game by exploiting the localization system, replacing common unwanted or malicious commands with a huge string that can cause performance issues. This type of script is generally considered malicious and against Roblox’s terms of service.

Yeah these type of script is generally considered malicious and agaisnt Roblox’s terms of service so im fine

Please don’t use AI to explain what I said. ChatGPT is wrong on the first line anyways. It doesn’t exploit anything; it just translates text from common exploits to something that would crash on rendering it. It may not actually work though, as noted by people above. I found that you cannot translate anything in CoreGui as a developer. It’s better than nothing though, a low-level executor may put it in PlayerGui instead.

This script is not malicious. If you think it is, don’t use it.


Boblox just patched it (i tested it on coregui before ) :crying_cat_face:

Does changing the script name break this behaviour? If not I recommend using a ton of invisible characters to help annoy skids trying to prevent this or any exploiters in general.

me when FindFirstChildOfClass

(or just check for non ascii characters in the scripts name)

idk man but that seems like mini-racism to me

Just throw some random full name of someone who lived a thousand years ago in arabia and its good enough :joy:

not really if you think about it

You could change the contents of the chat bar by translating it into some very bad words allowing you to make a crossroads v3 so thats why they patched it

that’s not how it works… roblox doesn’t get the logs using the text in CoreGui, so even you change the text in the chat menu, it won’t work

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I said you could before they patched it

bump, @SyntaxMenace may I ask if you have the article of where you found this out?

Sure, they mentioned this in an announcement with other improvements to the algorithm.

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