Detect Cancel Input on ProcessReceipt

I am having trouble detecting when a player press Cancel on Roblox purchase prompt.

How can I use ProcessReceipt to know when someone have pressed Cancel on the Roblox purchase prompt. From what I can tell :PromptProductPurchase is no longer used.
I want to detect when a player have pressed cancel on a Roblox purchase prompt

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i suggest read this forum

you will also see the script for verifying of process receipt.

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You’ll have to use PromptProductPurchaseFinished. It is deprecated yes, but it’s stated that it’s deprecated because it recomemnds you ProcessReceipt for handling purchases, this is the only way to detect if they closed the prompt

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I have tried using the PromptProductPurchaseFinished But I also have ProcessReceipt When I try to run PromptProductPurchaseFinished Event it is not even detect the purchase or Cancel. I am not sure if they can me implemented in tandem but for me It did not work

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I have found this PromptProductPurchaseFinished is depreciated, but PromptPurchaseFinished does not fire for Developer products #878 - #9 by LucasMZ_RBX which might explain why its not working for me either

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Yeah, hm PromptPurchaseFinished doesn’t work for no reason I guess.

If you’re working with stuff that doesn’t really matter, for example a donation system, using PromptProductPurchaseFinished is not particularly bad, but if you’re working with something that can be for example, a cash product, which gives you cash, or anything like that, you wanna be careful, and ProcessReceipt should be what you should be using anyway.

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The whole point of this is because when the player is it the Roblox purchase prompt I don’t want him/her to be able to press any GUI so I am creating a frame and giving it a zindex of 10… but if the player press cancel I can’t destroy this frame…because I can’t detect that the player have pressed cancel and this will mess things up

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I’m not sure if it’s possible then if the event I mentioned doesn’t work and it was the only way to determine if they cancelled. I think you may have to do something else to do what you need

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Unfortunately I think that is the case…

Do you know of a possible way when the Roblox purchase Prompt is showing the user can’t press any GUI in the background… I tried to make a frame but in this case if I can’t detect the cancel click then it will mess things up…

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I don’t believe there’s a workaround since Roblox doesn’t know the outcome of it, there could be something you can use with MouseEnter and MouseLeave and some variables, but it has issues and is complicated to get working. Best bet is to just scrap that idea