I actually answered a very similar question yesterday.
Frustum debug tests
local RunService = game:GetService('RunService')
local packages = game:GetService('ServerStorage').mono.packages.shared
local Maid = require(packages.utils.maid)
-- indices that define the edges of the frustum
-- so that we can render it through a gizmo
-- right plane
1, 5, 4, 8,
-- left plane
2, 6, 3, 7,
-- near plane
1, 2, 2, 3,
3, 4, 4, 1,
-- far plane
5, 6, 6, 7,
7, 8, 8, 5,
local function getBoundingBox(obj)
-- safely computes the bounding box for the given param
-- expects either (a) a BasePart or (b) a Model
-- otherwise defaults to identity matrix + zero vec
if typeof(obj) == 'Instance' then
if obj:IsA('BasePart') then
return obj.CFrame, obj.Size
elseif obj:IsA('Model') then
return obj:GetBoundingBox()
return CFrame.identity, Vector3.zero
local function planeFromPoints(a, b, c, output)
-- computes a plane from 3 points
-- learn more about planes here, e.g. ref:
-- - https://gdbooks.gitbooks.io/3dcollisions/content/Chapter1/plane.html
-- - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Plane_(mathematics)
local normal = (b - a):Cross(c - a).Unit
local distance = -normal:Dot(a)
if not output then
output = table.create(5)
output[1] = normal
output[2] = distance
output[3] = normal.X
output[4] = normal.Y
output[5] = normal.Z
return output
local function buildFrustumFromCamera(camera, farPlaneZ, output)
-- builds a frustum from a Camera object instance
-- NOTE:
-- far plane is user-defined since Roblox doesn't allow us to read it
-- from their camera; but that's fine because you can use the far plane
-- to adjust what you would prefer the render distance to be. Though,
-- in this case, i just default to 200.
-- Learn more about viewing frustum e.g. ref @ https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viewing_frustum
farPlaneZ = farPlaneZ or 200
local transform = camera.CFrame
local translation = transform.Position
local nearPlaneZ = camera.NearPlaneZ
local fieldOfView = camera.FieldOfView
local tanHalfFov = math.tan(math.rad(fieldOfView * 0.5))
local viewportSize = camera.ViewportSize
local viewportAspectRatio = viewportSize.X / viewportSize.Y
local farPlaneHeight_2 = tanHalfFov*farPlaneZ
local farPlaneWidth_2 = farPlaneHeight_2*viewportAspectRatio
local nearPlaneHeight_2 = tanHalfFov*-nearPlaneZ
local nearPlaneWidth_2 = nearPlaneHeight_2*viewportAspectRatio
farPlaneZ *= -1
local farTopLeft = transform * Vector3.new( -farPlaneWidth_2, farPlaneHeight_2, farPlaneZ)
local farTopRight = transform * Vector3.new( farPlaneWidth_2, farPlaneHeight_2, farPlaneZ)
local farBottomLeft = transform * Vector3.new( -farPlaneWidth_2, -farPlaneHeight_2, farPlaneZ)
local farBottomRight = transform * Vector3.new( farPlaneWidth_2, -farPlaneHeight_2, farPlaneZ)
local nearTopLeft = transform * Vector3.new(-nearPlaneWidth_2, nearPlaneHeight_2, nearPlaneZ)
local nearTopRight = transform * Vector3.new( nearPlaneWidth_2, nearPlaneHeight_2, nearPlaneZ)
local nearBottomLeft = transform * Vector3.new(-nearPlaneWidth_2, -nearPlaneHeight_2, nearPlaneZ)
local nearBottomRight = transform * Vector3.new( nearPlaneWidth_2, -nearPlaneHeight_2, nearPlaneZ)
output = output or { }
output.transform = transform
output.translation = translation
output.viewportSize = viewportSize
local frustumPoints = output.points
if not frustumPoints then
frustumPoints = table.create(8)
output.points = frustumPoints
frustumPoints[1] = nearTopRight
frustumPoints[2] = nearTopLeft
frustumPoints[3] = nearBottomLeft
frustumPoints[4] = nearBottomRight
frustumPoints[5] = farTopRight
frustumPoints[6] = farTopLeft
frustumPoints[7] = farBottomLeft
frustumPoints[8] = farBottomRight
local frustumPlanes = output.planes
if not frustumPlanes then
frustumPlanes = table.create(6)
output.planes = frustumPlanes
frustumPlanes[1] = planeFromPoints( nearTopRight, nearBottomRight, nearTopLeft, frustumPlanes[1]) -- near
frustumPlanes[2] = planeFromPoints( farTopRight, farTopLeft, farBottomRight, frustumPlanes[2]) -- far
frustumPlanes[3] = planeFromPoints( nearTopRight, nearTopLeft, farTopRight, frustumPlanes[3]) -- top
frustumPlanes[4] = planeFromPoints(nearBottomRight, farBottomRight, nearBottomLeft, frustumPlanes[4]) -- bottom
frustumPlanes[5] = planeFromPoints( nearTopLeft, nearBottomLeft, farTopLeft, frustumPlanes[5]) -- left
frustumPlanes[6] = planeFromPoints( nearTopRight, farTopRight, nearBottomRight, frustumPlanes[6]) -- right
return output
local function testFrustumSphere(frustum, spherePosition, sphereRadius, padding)
-- tests whether the frustum intersects a sphere
padding = padding or 0
local planes = frustum.planes
local x, y, z = spherePosition.X, spherePosition.Y, spherePosition.Z
local nx, ny, nz, d, test
test = -sphereRadius - padding
for i = 1, 6, 1 do
local plane = planes[i]
d, nx, ny, nz = plane[2], plane[3], plane[4], plane[5]
local m = nx*x + ny*y + nz*z + d
if m < test then
return false
return true
local function testFrustumOBB(frustum, obbOrigin, obbExtents, padding)
-- tests whether the frustum intersects with an OBB
-- TODO for you:
-- do a less computationally expensive test first to check
-- if it's even possible for these to be intersecting
local planes = frustum.planes
padding = padding or 0
-- m11, m12, m13, x
-- m21, m22, m23, y
-- m31, m32, m33, z
-- 0, 0, 0, 1
local sx, sy, sz = obbExtents.X, obbExtents.Y, obbExtents.Z
local x, y, z,
rx, ux, bx,
ry, uy, by,
rz, uz, bz = obbOrigin:GetComponents()
local s, r, u, b
local d, nx, ny, nz
for i = 1, 6, 1 do
local plane = planes[i]
d, nx, ny, nz = plane[2], plane[3], plane[4], plane[5]
s = x*nx + y*ny + z*nz
r = sx*math.abs(nx*rx + ny*ry + nz*rz)
u = sy*math.abs(nx*ux + ny*uy + nz*uz)
b = sz*math.abs(nx*bx + ny*by + nz*bz)
if (s + r + u + b) < -d - padding then
return false
return true
local function computeFrustumBox(frustum, output)
-- compute the frustum's OBB
-- can be used to compute the AABB which you could use
-- for some kind of broad-phase search. a method to create
-- an aabb from an obb can be found here:
-- - Ref @ https://zeux.io/2010/10/17/aabb-from-obb-with-component-wise-abs/
-- though, i should note that you can get the AABB much faster by min-maxing the transform + the far plane points
local points = frustum.points
local transform = frustum.transform
local translation = frustum.translation
local x, y, z
local xmin, xmax = math.huge, -math.huge
local ymin, ymax = math.huge, -math.huge
local zmin, zmax = math.huge, -math.huge
for i = 0, 4, 1 do
local point
if i == 0 then
point = translation
point = points[i + 4]
point = transform:PointToObjectSpace(point)
x, y, z = point.X, point.Y, point.Z
xmin = math.min(xmin, x)
xmax = math.max(xmax, x)
ymin = math.min(ymin, y)
ymax = math.max(ymax, y)
zmin = math.min(zmin, z)
zmax = math.max(zmax, z)
local offset = Vector3.new(
0.5*(xmin + xmax),
0.5*(ymin + ymax),
0.5*(zmin + zmax)
local extents = Vector3.new(xmax - xmin, ymax - ymin, zmax - zmin)
local minBounds = Vector3.new(xmin, ymin, zmin)
local maxBounds = Vector3.new(xmax, ymax, zmax)
local rotation = transform.Rotation
output = output or { }
output.origin = transform + rotation:PointToWorldSpace(offset)
output.extents = extents
local bounds = output.bounds
if not bounds then
bounds = table.create(2)
output.bounds = bounds
bounds[1] = minBounds
bounds[2] = maxBounds
return output
local function drawBox(box, part, cleanup)
-- draws an OBB gizmo
if not part then
part = Instance.new('Part')
part.Name = '__FrustumBox'
part.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block
part.Anchored = true
part.CanQuery = false
part.CanTouch = false
part.CanCollide = false
part.CastShadow = false
part.BrickColor = BrickColor.Red()
part.TopSurface = 0
part.BottomSurface = 0
part.Transparency = 0.9
part.Parent = workspace
if cleanup then
part.CFrame = box.origin
part.Size = box.extents
return part
local function drawEdges(points, indices, lines, cleanup)
-- draws a frustum given it's points and the indices
-- that make up its edges
lines = lines or { }
local vertCount = #indices
local edgeCount = math.floor(vertCount*0.5)
local cornerCount = #points
local key, index, maxAlpha
for i = 0, edgeCount - 1, 1 do
key = i + 1
index = i*2 + 1
local p0 = points[indices[index + 0]]
local p1 = points[indices[index + 1]]
local line = lines[key]
if not line or not line.Parent then
line = Instance.new('Part')
line.Name = '__FrustumEdge'
line.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block
line.Anchored = true
line.CanQuery = false
line.CanTouch = false
line.CanCollide = false
line.CastShadow = false
line.TopSurface = 0
line.BottomSurface = 0
line.Transparency = 0.5
line.Parent = workspace
lines[key] = line
if cleanup then
local id = line:GetAttribute('EdgeId')
if id ~= key then
line:SetAttribute('EdgeId', id)
if not maxAlpha then
maxAlpha = math.floor(((edgeCount-1)*2 - cornerCount*0.5) / cornerCount + 0.5) + 1
local alpha = math.floor((i*2 - cornerCount*0.5) / cornerCount + 0.5) + 1
line.Color = Color3.fromHSV(alpha / maxAlpha, 0.9, 0.95)
local length = (p1 - p0).Magnitude
line.Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.2, length)
line.CFrame = CFrame.lookAt(p0, p1, Vector3.yAxis) * CFrame.new(0, 0, -length*0.5)
return lines
local function createFakeCameraFromInstance(inst, fieldOfView, nearPlaneZ, viewportSize)
-- this is just used for me to create a debug instance
-- of a camera without actually having to supply a camera
-- so that we can move a block around in studio as a 'fake camera'
local internal = { }
internal.Instance = inst
internal.FieldOfView = fieldOfView or 70
internal.NearPlaneZ = nearPlaneZ or -0.1
internal.ViewportSize = viewportSize or workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize
local fakeCamera = newproxy(true)
local proxyMetatable = getmetatable(fakeCamera)
function proxyMetatable:__index(index)
if internal[index] then
return internal[index]
local succ, res = pcall(function ()
return inst[index]
assert(succ, string.format('No property %q for FakeCamera', index))
return res
return fakeCamera
return function (target)
-- cleanup
local maid = Maid.new()
local lineMaid = Maid.new()
maid._lines = lineMaid
-- var(s)
-- note: these can be changed to modify the frustum
-- so that we can easily visualise the effect(s)
local farPlaneZ = 50
local nearPlaneZ = -0.1
local fieldOfView = 70
local viewportSize = workspace.CurrentCamera.ViewportSize -- e.g. Vector2.new(1920, 1080)
-- create camera from block for debug viewing
local cameraBlock = Instance.new('Part')
cameraBlock.Name = 'FakeCamera'
cameraBlock.Size = Vector3.one*4
cameraBlock.CFrame = CFrame.new(0, 12, 0)
cameraBlock.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block
cameraBlock.Anchored = true
cameraBlock.CanQuery = false
cameraBlock.CanTouch = false
cameraBlock.CanCollide = false
cameraBlock.TopSurface = 0
cameraBlock.BottomSurface = 0
cameraBlock.Transparency = 0.5
cameraBlock.Parent = workspace
cameraBlock:SetAttribute('ShowBox', false)
cameraBlock:SetAttribute('ShowFrustum', false)
local showBox, showFrustum
cameraBlock.AttributeChanged:Connect(function ()
-- i.e. listen to attr changes so we can toggle the
-- frustum gizmo(s)
local attributes = cameraBlock:GetAttributes()
if showBox and not attributes.ShowBox then
maid._box = nil
showBox = attributes.ShowBox
if showFrustum and not attributes.ShowFrustum then
showFrustum = attributes.ShowFrustum
local camera, frustum
camera = createFakeCameraFromInstance(cameraBlock, fieldOfView, nearPlaneZ, viewportSize)
-- create test sphere
local someTestSphere = Instance.new('Part')
someTestSphere.Name = 'SomeTestSphere'
someTestSphere.Size = Vector3.one*2
someTestSphere.CFrame = CFrame.new(6, 12, 6)
someTestSphere.Shape = Enum.PartType.Ball
someTestSphere.Anchored = true
someTestSphere.CanQuery = false
someTestSphere.CanTouch = false
someTestSphere.CanCollide = false
someTestSphere.TopSurface = 0
someTestSphere.BottomSurface = 0
someTestSphere.Transparency = 0.5
someTestSphere.Parent = workspace
local sphereSize = someTestSphere.Size
local spherePosition = someTestSphere.Position
local sphereRadius = math.min(sphereSize.X, sphereSize.Y, sphereSize.Z)*0.5
local sphereWatchdog
sphereWatchdog = someTestSphere:GetPropertyChangedSignal('CFrame'):Connect(function ()
-- listen to changes so we can view
-- the changes from the perspective of the sphere
sphereSize = someTestSphere.Size
spherePosition = someTestSphere.Position
sphereRadius = math.min(sphereSize.X, sphereSize.Y, sphereSize.Z)*0.5
-- create test obb box
local someTestBox = Instance.new('Part')
someTestBox.Name = 'SomeTestBox'
someTestBox.Size = Vector3.one*4
someTestBox.CFrame = CFrame.new(-6, 12, 6)
someTestBox.Shape = Enum.PartType.Block
someTestBox.Anchored = true
someTestBox.CanQuery = false
someTestBox.CanTouch = false
someTestBox.CanCollide = false
someTestBox.TopSurface = 0
someTestBox.BottomSurface = 0
someTestBox.Transparency = 0.5
someTestBox.Parent = workspace
local obbOrigin, obbExtents = getBoundingBox(someTestBox)
obbExtents *= 0.5
local boxWatchdog
boxWatchdog = someTestBox:GetPropertyChangedSignal('CFrame'):Connect(function ()
-- listen to changes so we can view
-- the changes from the perspective of the box
obbOrigin, obbExtents = getBoundingBox(someTestBox)
obbExtents *= 0.5
-- runtime
local runtime, lines, box
runtime = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function (gt, dt)
-- update frustum
frustum = buildFrustumFromCamera(camera, farPlaneZ, frustum)
-- draw frustum edge(s) gizmo
if showFrustum then
lines = drawEdges(frustum.points, FRUSTUM_EDGES, lines, function (obj)
-- draw frustum box gizmo
if showBox then
box = computeFrustumBox(frustum, box)
drawBox(box, maid._box, function (obj)
maid._box = obj
-- test whether our box/sphere is inside
-- or outside the viewing frustum
local boxInFrustum = testFrustumOBB(frustum, obbOrigin, obbExtents)
someTestBox.BrickColor = boxInFrustum and BrickColor.Green() or BrickColor.Red()
local sphereInFrustum = testFrustumSphere(frustum, spherePosition, sphereRadius)
someTestSphere.BrickColor = sphereInFrustum and BrickColor.Green() or BrickColor.Red()
return function ()