Developer Community 2021 Wrap-Up

2021 was probably the best year for roblox imo. A lot of new cool features. Also the STOCK MARKET!!! The stock market allows us to get cooler features Which is Coool! A lot of stuff came out that a few years ago we’d used to joke about. Like voice chat. I still can’t believe that we have voice chat now! I can’t wait to see what 2022 has!


2021 has been a great year for improvements and features on the Roblox website, Roblox studio and on the Developer forums. I can’t wait to see what 2022 brings. A big thanks to all the Roblox Staff for all the work they put in. :+1:


Spatial voice is my favorite feature added, and im totally not biased because im on the social team :slight_smile:


It’s definitely been a great year, although there is some changes that I don’t agree with, here’s some of my personal favourites:

Really useful change, now I can cut down on using Values!

This is more an amazing change for players, but it still was good.

Some people didn’t like it, but it does look nice and made Studio more modern.

Much more secure, but I don’t agree with some of the things Roblox has done now that they’ve introduced this.

Again a nice change, but I’m kind of put off by how much it costs to change.


2021 has been an insane year for me. I stepped out of my comfort zone and started to build which you can see in indoor reflections :slight_smile: , tiny bits of animation, and learned a TON programming wise which I’m excited to apply to my game and finally release my first major game. Can’t wait to see what the future has in hold!

My favorite feature last year has to be all of the improvements to the lighting engine (hopefully more will come this year) and skinned + cage meshes, and the many amazing scripting features like the task library, attributes, etc. , and this year I’m really looking forward to (hopefully) the sound engine and its awesome and immersive features, aswell as hopefully parallelization!

Happy 2022!


Tons of super useful and long-awaited features were released this year, making many new tasks possible and others much easier. My personal favourite new addition was the task library, love the new functions it provides. Also thanks for including the clip from Burger Architect as an example for attributes, they make tracking custom properties of many instances a piece of cake!


2021 has been a pretty cool year with the new Roblox features. In 2022, we shall see new materials, new mesh importer completion and what else?? who knows…


More attribute based train systems coming down the tracks soon :eyes:

Epic year lets see what 2022 has in store

2022 release predictions:
Script Editor API for Plugins
Spline Constraints
Developer Subscriptions

If we get a 2022 wrapup, I’ll come back to this and see how many happen.


Is anyone else obsessed with caged mesh deformations? This is amazing and I’m so happy it was added


I remember all these memories of 2021. It was for sure amongst the best years I have experience during my Roblox developement journey. I really hope and look forward to seeing what possibilities can be unlocked in this new year as well as more awesome creations, from the most advanced developers to the starters.

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how dare you guys not mention the task library

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I really enjoy how Roblox is becoming more interactive with developers and their feedback. It was nice to test out Spatial Voice, so we could give feedback and decide if it would be a good fit for our community.
Thanks for another awesome year Developers!


guess that got task.defer()'d


2021 was great. I look forward to 2022 but 2021 I will always remember

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is eventually that year better and make them a new features. But shall have new studio for once on script properties then make too anyone who added developers anything else…

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2021 was a big year for Roblox graphics. The game improved so much in just 1 year.

I cant wait for what 2022 will bring!

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Those were all amazing updates, and it’s great to see the roblox player community is actually putting a good use to those freatures where countless people worked on. I sure do hope 2022 is an even better year with brand new awesome freatures!


Thank you for featuring me! I wish to push the limits of the Roblox engine and keep providing more dynamic and realistic maps that push the platform to its limits!!


Not going to include this into my projects until there is a Voice Chat API. I do have voice chat, But I don’t use it cause all games suck. A API is really needed

Thanks roblox and the amazing enginners and staff for all the great stuff we had last year!!