Developer Deeplinking [Beta]

I am using the following link (if that is what you are asking):


Hmm, this link seems to open on iOS for me (though i dont have permissions to view the place)

Where are you clicking the link from? its important to note that typing the link into the browser will not work. You need to click on it.
What device are you using as well?


The link is sent into a Guilded channel and then clicked on that way. The device used is an iPhone 13. Still redirects to the app store

This issue does not happen for PC or android devices though. Is there a specific way we should be pushing this link to someone with an iOS device?


@goldzun How do you obtain permission to join games linked inside of games?

I have full development permissions over my game however when I use the link which you provided in another post (, I get the error ‘You do not have permission to join this experience’.

How can this be fixed?


Are there plans on adding a jobID parameter to join a certain server? An use case could be a direct join link for moderation purposes or inviting others.


You could redirect the user with messaging service


Wouldn’t it be more convenient to have that as a built-in feature?


You can already join specific servers by using the F12 console, but it wouldn’t be possible to directly join somebody on a private server with a deeplink because of security reasons, everybody with the job id could then join and that wouldn’t make any sense.

In my opinion, if you are moderating and need to join the game to do so, you are doing something suboptimal. You should set up a Http way to moderate people without joining the game using OpenCloud API.


We’re experiencing an issue trying to use this feature across iOS devices.

We have this URL:{"source"%3A%20"youtube"}

If we click on a link then it’s working fine on iOS devices.

But if we paste this into Safari/Chrome browser then we are getting a 404 URL for the above.

Is something wrong in the above URL?

This seems to work fine across desktop (PC and Mac) but on devices it seems to be having issues.


Looking into this, thanks for flagging!


I agree, this should be an builtin thing.


Just thought I’d share how I’m using the deeplinking feature.

I have my main game Flood Escape 2, and then I have a Community Maps version of the game where people can make and upload their own map models to play around in.

One thing I’ve done recently to improve ease of access to other players maps is create a redirect with the launch data correlating to ID’s in the map.

My custom base40 character set for the IDs had some quirks, typically the + sign is represented as whitespace in URL, so I had to convert that back within a Roblox Server to make sure the ID was still accurate. (The character set was made before having deeplink in mind)

Even more recently I’ve added support for multiple IDs separated by an underscore, so now players in my community can share the equivalent of a playlist, all wrapped neatly in one link.

I decided to keep the formatting of the data raw so that I can allow players to fit as many IDs as they can within the 200 byte limit. My guess with URL encoding is 18 ID’s before cutting off.

Feel free to share around, I’m pretty proud of how easy it makes it for people to play maps if they don’t understand how to use the FE2 Community Maps Hub GUI.**2


Hey folks, we’ve fixed a few issues with deeplinking!
Please let us know if youre still running into problems, or if there are additional feature you would like to see provided


hey @goldzun,

We’re trying the link we pasted above and still seem to be getting a 404 when we try this URL in a browser on an iOS device:{“source”%3A%20"youtube"}

Is there something wrong in the format of the URL that we’re trying?

The game we’re trying to get this working for is:


And looking at the original URL in the documentation, we get the same experience:{"roomId"%3A%202}


It appears the AppsFlyer version doesn’t work on in-app browsers.

Clicking the link on a TikTok account doesn’t work, rather taking me to a photo of Roblox and an “action cannot be completed prompt”

What can be done to make this work? It feels like the current state of deeplinking doesn’t allow it to function for many of the primary use cases. I’m not sure if it’s on the link’s end or if it’s a limitation of the apps but I’d really appreciate assistance.


how can i make one time ???


Probably use DataStores, like this:

local joinData = ...
local isUsedData = ...

if joinData.OneTimeUse == true and not isUsedData then
     DataStore:SetAsync(isUsed, true)

Is parsing the link through my own domain forbidden on Roblox? i see this as a feature for more advanced developers and some of the links just don’t hyperlink right on discord for example


Hey, thanks for this feature. It is very useful! But I’m still having issues with iOS, even using AppsFlyer version. This is an example:

This URL above works if I open it from Whatsapp, but doesn’t work if I open it from Discord app on iOS - it takes you to App Store page.
If I add af_force_deeplink=true as suggested in AppsFlyer documentation it does shows a prompt asking to open Roblox and it takes me to the home page, but not to the game.
This is my final URL:

We needed this to be fully working on iOS so we can run campaigns coming from our Discord servers. Thank you very much for the effort on this!

Reference where I saw about iOS limitations: