will there ever be a link change from ro.blox.com to something that looks more safe? ive had first hand encounters with dozens of people who initially distrust these links because of how rampant phishing is.
the current link looks incredibly close with actual phishing links.
We have some deeplinks that we cannot change because they’re QR codes on physical things. I can provide more details if needed. As a result, this change is 100% going to impact us and not just a little bit.
Is it at all possible to get a more precise release date for this change? “Next month” is incredibly vague, and given the breaking nature of this change, having a date would be very helpful.
Additionally, is there any way that compatibility can be maintained? It would be incredibly helpful to have our existing deeplinks keep working on Android.
This is the problematic link. ro.blox looks as sketchy as common phishing sites and there’s all this extra garbage at the end that adds to the suspicion.
I have been on a few community servers on Guilded and sometimes users would voice concerns about these links. It was a trading server where phishing attempts are common so the argument is a little weighted, but the point stands: this link isn’t like the others and it’s absurdly long.
roblox.com would actually be great if that’s an option! Maybe join.roblox.com or similar? Our game has an alias link that redirects to the AppsFlyer link. As an example: https://clipit.neura.gg/share/clip?clipId=abcdef0123&uid=12345
Why do we have to write the link 3 times? Do you mean with encoded developer deeplink this link? "https://www.roblox.com/games/start?placeId="..tostring(settings.starterPlaceID).."&launchData="
Does it look like this, when I make the link above like that: https://www.roblox.com/games/start?placeId=00000000&launchData=0000121212
Would this be correct? ro.blox.com/Ebh5?af_dp=https://www.roblox.com/games/start?placeId=00000000&launchData=0000121212&af_web_dp=https://www.roblox.com/games/start?placeId=00000000&launchData=0000121212&deep_link_value=https://www.roblox.com/games/start?placeId=00000000&launchData=0000121212