Developer Hub pages can frequently not be accessed (5xx/4xx errors)

Please refer to this reply. It’s an issue from Roblox developer hub side:

I can’t access

Is there some alternative api dump somewhere we can use in the meantime?

EDIT: I found a useful api dump site:

Seems to be pretty up to date - might be worth using in the meantime

It’s still unstable as I’m writing this message. I already know that it’s a backend issue, I don’t know when it’ll be fixed however.

I have tried accessing from four different browsers and over a VPN connection all with the cache cleared and there are many pages that are erring out. I would list them, but there are far too many.

I’m in Taipei, Taiwan. I can’t access it

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PROBLEM FIXED! You have to go to the language tab, change it to another language and back to English

Currently in Serbia. I can’t access the Camera API page for example. This is the error I am getting


Have been having many problems with the website recently, I wasn’t able to access simple pages like the Vector3 pages in the past. But now I’m not able to access the website at all I just get a 502 Bad Gateway error.

Can confirm, I’m getting the same error:

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Developer hub is down for me, Returning 502 errors.

Looking into the root of the issue.

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Getting this issue once again. None of the accessory pages work. The Enums Index page won’t load.

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I can confirm that this issue is occuring in many but not all pages
Working example-Collection Service
Not working-Manual Glue

Hardly any pages are working for me on the hub.


This page has been loading for 10 minutes, and I get this.

(Going to the home page)

(A good 10 minutes later)

This has been happening for me all day, I can’t access anything on the wiki at all, not even the home page. There is talk on the community ScriptingHelpers discord about it, and it appears as though some of the people trying to access the site can access some that others cannot, so it’s varying per person apparently?

I’m just getting this when I try to connect to the collection service page, although the loading to get that was pretty quick.


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