Developers Guide to Knightmare Anti-Cheat Service [Speed Cheating][Fly Cheating][Teleport Cheating][Jump Cheating]

This tutorial covers configuration and tuning of the Speed Cheating detection module for the service. When setting up the service for your game, the long configuration file can be a little daunting. Here, I will break down each section with explanations and practical examples of how to use it and code samples for usage.

When setting up the anti-cheat service for the first time, it’s best to enable debug mode for testing. This way you can see what the anti-cheat service is observing from the player. This can help you tune how strict you want to control the player speed in your game.

You’ll find the settings for this near the top of the configuration section for Speed Anti-Cheat. To enable the detection, simply change the values to this:

Set this to false if you want to turn off all Speed Cheat Detection Server Wide
Default = true
speedCheatDetectionEnabled = true

To enable the in-game Debug Window, simply change the values to this:

Set this to true if you want the server to output Debug info for Speed Cheat Detection.
This is helpful when trying to fine tune settings for your game through testing.
Default = false
debugSpeedCheatDetection = true

With this enabled, cheat detection for speed cheating will be enabled server wide for every player and an in-game debug window will display real-time info about the players in your server similar to this below.

This is the default maximum speed that all players enter your game with. It will often just mirror what your default walk speed settings are for all your players.

  • What if my players speed is variable or changing such as running?
    Usually, an easy setting is just to set the max speed to what the player max run speed should be. For example, if your walk speed was 16 but your run speed is 32, set the max to 32 instead.
  • What if I want to give different players different speeds, such as power-ups or abilities?
    Each player has an attribute loaded on the player object named “KM_MAX_PLAYER_SPEED”. This is where your maxPlayerSpeed is copied to when they enter your game. You can adjust the max speed of each player individually by changing this on the server. So if you wanted to create a power-up that doubled your player speed but don’t want the anti-cheat to keep punishing the player, this is where you change that. This only changes how the anti-cheat scans your player, it does not actually increase or decrease your player movement speed. You have to do that on your own. :wink:

This is a percentage based margin of error for speed cheat scans. This number is actually recommended by Roblox to account for client prediction of different speed devices and Internet latency during gameplay on public servers.

  • Example: You have your max speed set for 16. The actual max player speed the service will scan for is this number; 16 x 0.2 (20%) = 3.2, then add it to your original setting for 16+3.2 = 19.2
  • If you decrease this percentage, you make your speed detection more strict, but players on higher latency connections might suffer from repeated false detections.
  • If you increase this percentage, you make your speed detection more forgiving, but cheaters might exploit this to increase their speed as close to the limit as possible to get an unfair edge against the other players.

Setting this to true will have the anti-cheat service ignore the player free-fall state.

  • Why would I want to enable this?
    If your game doesn’t allow the players to jump or walk off very tall objects, this can serve as another way to prevent speed cheating by players abusing the free-fall state.
  • Why would I want to disable this?
    When a player jumps off the edge of another object, they begin free falling as fast as you have your gravity set. If a player runs off the edge of a very tall object, their falling speed might greatly exceed your “speed limit”, producing false cheat detection events. With this disabled, you have further tuning options to control how long players can free-fall before scans are preformed again to help protect against abuse.

Normally speed is checked in 3 dimensions. If you enable this by setting it to true then speed is only calculated in 2 dimensions. Similar to a direct over-head view of your character while running.

  • Why would I want to enable this?
    If a player is running up stairs or a steep hill, their calculated speed might exceed your speed limit causing a lot of false detection events. By removing the Y dimension of the speed calculation, you get a speed reading that is strictly based on the player direction on a flat, 2D plane.
  • Why would I want to disable this?
    If your game does have hills or stairs, but not be long enough to cause enough false detection events to punish a player, you can keep your speed cheat detection more strict.

When a player is free-falling, the speed cheat scanner ignores the player until they reach the ground or the time is exceeded. If you have “ignoreFreeFalling” enabled, this value is ignored.

  • What if I increase the max free-fall time?
    The player can be “falling” longer without creating speed detection events. This can be useful if you have a large obby world where the player is often falling long distances.
    NOTE: Increasing the free-fall time can open up the free-fall state to more abuse by cheaters.
  • What if I decrease the max free-fall time?
    The player can only free-fall for very short amounts of time before the speed cheat scanner resumes monitoring the player speed. For worlds where falling distances are very short, lowering this value can help make your speed limits more strict without punishing good players with false cheat detection events.

When a player is moving and jumping at the same time, it creates very short instances of free-fall time. If you have your service configured to ignore player free-fall time, this can be abused by cheaters to break your speed limit by just hopping all the time. To combat this, the system will monitor for bunny hopping players and players that exceed this limit will be scanned regardless of their free-fall state.

  • What if I increase the max number of bunny hops?
    This will allow the players to bunny hop more often before their speed is monitored again. This is useful for developers when they need players to be able to hop around more often without producing false cheat detection events.
    NOTE: Increasing this could allow cheaters to abuse the less strict speed monitoring.
  • What if I decrease the max number of bunny hops?
    If players doing bunny hops is not really necessary in your game, reducing this will make your speed monitoring more strict and less open to exploiting by cheaters.

If a player exceeds the maximum number of bunny hops, how long do they need to stop hoping before the player is allowed to use the max again. If the “maxBunnyHops” is set to 0, then this value is ignored.

  • What if I increase the timeout?
    The player must wait longer for the max values to set on that player again. This is useful if you want to allow the player to bunny hop more, but if they abuse the increase, you want them to wait longer as a penalty.
  • What if I decrease the timeout?
    The player can resume bunny hopping sooner. This is useful if you have a need for players to bunny hop more, but don’t want to give them more max hops due to cheaters.

The number of times the speed limit can be broken before acting on the player. When a player is not speed cheating, this number will increment back down to zero. The player is scanned 5 times per second.

  • What if I increase the max speed cheats detected?
    You allow a player to create more cheat detection events before the player is acted upon by the server.
    NOTE: Increasing this number makes it easier for cheaters to game your detection limit for being less strict.
  • What if I decrease the max speed cheats detected?
    You make speed cheat detection more strict. Not all cheat detection events are from a cheating player, often they can be produced by Internet latency or slow player devices. False detection events can also be produced by your own game design where a player is suppose to be moving faster than your speed limit.
  • Why not just set the max speed cheats to 1 and call it a day?
    At the strictest setting, it leaves no room for error. This can often confuse developers because when setting this value to 1 and testing on your own device, everything appears to be fine. That is because you have a latency so low that false detection events are not likely to happen. Developers must keep in mind that public servers are a whole different beast. Players are also using various devices of various speeds across a public Internet with latency that is often fluctuating all the time. This can result in many of your players being unfairly punished for speed cheating.

This will send the Speed Cheater Back to their Last Location before the Speed Cheating max threshold was reached. Set this to false if you want to implement your own form of punishment. If you want both soft punishment and custom punishment, this is possible by setting this option to “both” using full quotation marks. All custom punishments are stored in the “KnightmareCustomPunishment” script file that comes with the service. How to create your own custom punishments will have to be for another tutorial as it is beyond the scope of this one. :melting_face:

Common Questions & Answers:

  • What if I want to ignore a player getting speed cheat scans, such as an Admin or Developer?
    Just like the max speed setting above, you simply set an attribute on the player object from the server with the name “KM_IGNORE_PLAYER_SPEED_CHEAT” and set the value to true. Then this player can move around as fast they want and will be ignored by the anti-cheat service until either this value is removed or set false for example.
  • What if I want to give a player a temporary exception to speed cheat scanning?
    Just like the max speed setting above, you simply set an attribute on the player object from the server with the name “KM_SPEED_TEMPORARY_EXCEPTION” and set the value to true. This will give the player one freebie exception if the player is detected as speed cheating. Afterwards, the anti-cheat service removes this attribute from the player object so it can’t be abused. This is often useful when you need to rapidly move a player for a cut-scene and don’t want to be fighting the anti-cheat service to do it.
    NOTE: This exception remains active until used, so if you set this and it’s possible that it won’t be used, consider removing it later to avoid a case where a cheater could find a way to exploit this. :face_exhaling:

This concludes the developers guide, hopefully the in-depth exploration and explanation of the settings can help developers tune their own games to be as strict as possible against speed cheaters but also prevent good players from being punished by accident. :grinning:

Other developer guides to explore the other modules within the anti-cheat service will be written in the future and posted in the tutorial section as well, I just wanted to make sure I focused on each module in detail.


This tutorial covers configuration and tuning of the Flying Cheating detection module for the service. When setting up the service for your game, the long configuration file can be a little daunting. Here, I will break down each section with explanations and practical examples of how to use it and code samples for usage.

When setting up the anti-cheat service for the first time, it’s best to enable debug mode for testing. This way you can see what the anti-cheat service is observing from the player. This can help you tune how strict you want to control the player flying in your game.

You’ll find the settings for this near the top of the configuration section for Flying Anti-Cheat. To enable the detection, simply change the values to this:

Set this to false if you want to turn off all Fly Cheat Detection Server Wide
Default = true
flyCheatDetectionEnabled = true

To enable the in-game Debug Window, simply change the values to this:

Set this to true if you want the server to output Debug info for Fly Cheat Detection.
This is helpful when trying to fine tune settings for your game through testing.
Default = false
debugFlyCheatDetection = true

With this enabled, cheat detection for fly cheating will be enabled server wide for every player and an in-game debug window will display real-time info about the players in your server similar to this below. This shows what the server thinks the player is standing on, game object wise.

Setting this to true will have the anti-cheat service ignore the player climbing state when monitoring the player.

  • Why would I want to enable this?
    If your game has no places for a player to climb objects via ladders, there is no need for these additional checks on the player. Otherwise, players can attempt to cheat by having their client report that their player is constantly in a climbing state in an attempt to bypass the service monitoring.
  • Why would I want to disable this?
    If your game uses ladders for players to climb, then you want the service to perform some additional checks to make sure the player is actually climbing an object. Otherwise, the player could hack their client to report that their player is in a constant state of climbing while flying around in an attempt to bypass the system monitoring.

Setting this to true will have the anti-cheat service ignore the player swimming state when monitoring the player.

  • Why would I want to enable this?
    If your game has no places for a player to swim via terrain water, there is no need for these additional checks on the player. Otherwise, players can attempt to cheat by having their client report that their player is constantly in a swimming state in an attempt to bypass the service monitoring.
  • Why would I want to disable this?
    If your game uses terrain water for players to swim in, then you want the service to perform some additional checks to make sure the player is actually swimming in a terrain water cell. Otherwise, the player could hack their client to report that their player is in a constant state of swimming while flying around in an attempt to bypass the system monitoring.

The anti-cheat service uses raycasting from the players body (feet or legs) to determine if the player is standing on a collide-able object. The raycast are very short to make sure the player is actually standing on something and not just floating above it.

  • What happens if I decrease the raycast distance?
    Then it will require the player to be closer to the object they are standing on, which can be an issue if the object is slanted at an angle or if your ground has a lot of small gaps or holes that the raycast can miss. This also has an effect on players using models where the feet or legs don’t stand straight up, but point out at odd angles for example. Normally the default works pretty well, but it’s tunable should the developer need to make this distance check more strict.
  • What happens if I increase the raycast distance?
    The player can “float” higher above the ground and not be considering flying or floating. Normally, there is no need to increase this distance for typical player models. The increased raycast distance might be necessary if you are developing a racing game where the player models are always seated in a vehicle which makes them float higher above the ground than normal. This would allow you to apply the anti-cheat service to vehicles and prevent a player from flying around.

When the anti-cheat service is unable to find any collide-able objects under the player feet or legs, it falls back on checking for any collide-able objects within the radius of the feet or legs. This way, if a player is standing on a slanted surface, it can determine that the player is not flying or floating. This check is also used during any climbing state checks. If a player reports to be in the climbing state, the anti-cheat service will check for any climbable objects near the feet or legs that the player should be using to climb with. When running debug mode, radius detected objects show up with a circle and raycast objects show up as an arrow pointing down like the screen-shot above.

  • What happens if I decrease the radius distance?
    This will reduce the chance that being on a slanted surface can be detected. It could also affect the climbing state checks if the players hands or feet are not close enough to the ladder object they are suppose to be climbing.
  • What happens if I increase the radius distance?
    This makes being near collide-able objects less strict. This might be necessary for ladders that are so skinny that the players hands and feet don’t even touch it during the climbing animation for example. It might also be necessary if your map contains near vertical surfaces to walk on or platforms so small that the feet don’t touch them.

When a player is floating, this will boost the scan distance to help find a collide-able object underneath in case they are riding down a falling object at the same rate that the object is falling. Lag can make this appear to float to the anti-cheat service and cause false detection events.

  • Demonstrated via these pictures below:
    Here, my player model is riding down a platform that is falling at the same rate as the gravity set in the map. From my client perspective, my player model appears to be standing on it just fine.
    Anti-cheat update1_compressed
    But, from the server perspective, because of Internet latency, my player appears to be floating on the way down. This can trigger false detection events against the player.
    Anti-cheat update2_compressed
    This is where the scan boost comes into play, it’s a final attempt to determine if the player is standing on the ground or in the air some reason, flying or floating.
  • What if I increase the boost floating distance?
    Then you allow the player float higher than normal while riding down a falling object. This might be necessary if your game contains a lot of falling objects of various shapes and sizes that the player must ride on while falling at the same time. It also helps players that have a high latency in your game.
  • What if I decrease the boost floating distance?
    You make the following distance of the player more strict towards the falling object they are riding on. Depending on how fast your falling objects are moving relative to the players, slower falling objects might not need such a big boost compared to faster falling objects that the player is riding on.

If the anti-cheat system is unable to find any collide-able objects under the player, it assumes they are “in the air” and thus are flying/floating. The anti-cheat system then measures how fast the player is falling. If the player is falling fast enough to exceed the “minimumLinearVelocity” set elsewhere, it begins counting time every 0.2 seconds. As long as the player remains in this dual state of not being on the ground and also moving down faster than the minimum set linear velocity, the timer continues counting until it reaches the set limit. When the limit is reached, if the player remains in this dual state, it will start to trigger flying cheat detection events on the player.

  • What happens if the player is not falling fast enough to exceed the minimum linear velocity?
    The anti-cheat service assumes the player is floating in the air and no counting of time takes place. Flying cheat detection events happen immediately on the player, there is no grace period of time.
  • What happens if I increase max moving floating time?
    The player can “fall” longer before flying cheat detection events happen on the player. Developers might need to increase this time if they have very tall objects for the player to fall off. Increasing the time basically increase the grace period for the player to be up in the air without any penalty.
  • What happens if I decrease the max moving floating time?
    The player has a shorter grace period of penalty free falling. This grace time can be shorter for maps where the player does not fall long distances to provide more strict control of your players and how long they can remain up in the air.

This is the letter axis (X, Y, or Z) that raycast scans are performed relative to the player model. If your game world is using some custom gravity where the Y axis is not up or down, this where you can change that.

The minimum linear velocity speed that the player should be falling when no ground is detected underneath them. Anything less and the anti-cheat service assumes they are floating in place instead of falling. This is useful when combating cheating players who change the gravity on their client to fall really slow.

  • What happens if I increase the minimum linear velocity?
    The player will have to be falling faster to make use of the grace period timer set elsewhere under “maxMovingFloatTime”. Developers might need to increase the velocity to match the gravity settings used in their map to avoid false detection events.
  • What happens if I decrease the minimum linear velocity?
    Players can fall slower and still make use of the grace timer. It can also help if players are experiencing slow device issues where the client is not “falling” the player fast enough. It might also be changed if the gravity settings in the map are set very low.

The number of times the flying cheat detection events can happen before acting on the player. When a player is not fly cheating, this number will increment back down to zero. The player is scanned 5 times per second.

  • What if I increase the max fly cheats detected?
    You allow a player to trigger the flying cheat detection more often before the player is acted upon by the server.
    NOTE: Increasing this number can make it easier for cheaters to game your detection limit for being less strict.
  • What if I decrease the max fly cheats detected?
    You make flying cheat detection more strict. Not all cheat detection events are from a cheating player, often they can be produced by Internet latency or slow player devices. False detection events can also be produced by your own game design where a player is suppose to be flying during certain parts of your game.
  • Why not just set the max fly cheats detected to 1 and call it a day?
    At the strictest setting, it leaves no room for error. This can often confuse developers because when setting this value to 1 and testing on your own device, everything appears to be fine. That is because you have a latency so low that false detection events are not likely to happen. Developers must keep in mind that public servers are a whole different beast. Players are also using various devices of various speeds across a public Internet with latency that is often fluctuating all the time. This can result in many of your players being unfairly punished for fly cheating.

This records where the player was last standing on a solid object before the next scan determined the player was in the air. This will be used by the soft punishment to send the player back to the last ground position instead of straight down to the solid object underneath when enabled with a true setting. This will also be passed to the custom punishment file if enabled.

  • Why should I enable this?
    You want a player caught fly-cheating to be force teleported to the last place they were recorded standing on the ground. This can be useful for large gaps that a player is not suppose to be about to cross. Instead of being teleported to the ground underneath, they are teleported back to where they left the ground while flying.
  • Why should I disable this?
    You want a player caught fly-cheating to be force teleported to the ground underneath them. You are not concerned about a player crossing a long gap, you just don’t want them flying around your map. Especially if your map is closed off like the inside of a building with tall ceilings. There was no benefit of flying except to remain out of reach of the other players and enemies or to get on top of objects that players were not meant to be on top of.

Depending on your “recordFlyGroundPosition” settings, a flying cheater will either be forced teleported to the ground underneath them or to the last place they were standing on the ground before they took to the air. Setting this to false will ignore this punishment and you can implement your own form of punishment. If you want both soft punishment and custom punishment, this is possible by setting this option to “both” using full quotation marks. All custom punishments are stored in the “KnightmareCustomPunishment” script file that comes with the service. How to create your own custom punishments will have to be for another tutorial as it is beyond the scope of this one. :melting_face:

Common Questions & Answers:

  • What if I want my Admins or Developers to be immune from any Flying Cheat Checks?
    You simply set an attribute on the player object from the server with the name “KM_IGNORE_PLAYER_FLY_CHEAT” and set the value to true.
  • What if my player model does not have the Roblox default R6 or R15 Meshparts?
    You can create a boolean attribute “KM_MESHPART_SCAN_POINT” set to true in Studio or during a live game on your custom player model Meshpart objects and the anti-cheat service will use those as additional scan points for detection, helping to decrease the chance of false detection events.
  • What if a cheater just pops back up in the air the moment they are forced down?
    Because the flying cheat counter has to count back down while they are on the ground, they will activate the fly cheating punishment immediately. This can cause a rubber-banding effect where the cheater is basically fighting the server the entire time. Depending on how you have the other anti-cheat modules configured, the cheater might end up activating punishments from multiple modules at the same time making the game very unplayable for them. :rofl:
  • Why doesn’t Fly Cheating have Exceptions like the other anti-cheat modules?
    Mainly because no one has really asked. :thinking: It can added to the system, but the nature of fly cheating isn’t usually something developers have to create one-time exceptions for.

This concludes the developers guide, hopefully the in-depth exploration and explanation of the settings can help developers tune their own games to be as strict as possible against flying cheaters but also prevent good players from being punished by accident. :grinning:

Other developer guides to explore the other modules within the anti-cheat service will be written in the future and posted in the tutorial section as well, I just wanted to make sure I focused on each module in detail.


This tutorial covers configuration and tuning of the Teleport Cheating detection module for the service. When setting up the service for your game, the long configuration file can be a little daunting. Here, I will break down each section with explanations and practical examples of how to use it and code samples for usage.

When setting up the anti-cheat service for the first time, it’s best to enable debug mode for testing. This way you can see what the anti-cheat service is observing from the player. This can help you tune how strict you want to control the player teleportation in your game.

You’ll find the settings for this near the middle of the configuration section for Teleport Anti-Cheat. To enable the detection, simply change the values to this:

Set this to false if you want to turn off all Teleport Cheat Detection Server Wide
Default = true
teleportCheatDetectionEnabled = true

To enable the in-game Debug Window, simply change the values to this:

Set this to true if you want the server to output Debug info for Teleport Cheat Detection.
This is helpful when trying to fine tune settings for your game through testing.
Default = false
debugTeleportCheatDetection = true

With this enabled, cheat detection for teleport cheating will be enabled server wide for every player and an in-game debug window will display real-time info about the players in your server similar to this below.

This is the maximum distance your players should ever be about to move on their own in 0.2 seconds. It does not matter if they move through an open space or through a wall, once this distance limit is reached, it results in immediate punishment to the player.

  • What is the best way to use this configuration setting?
    This serves as a last resort to various forms of teleport cheating. It’s easy for developers to test via the debug window what the normal, highest value that could occur within their own game. It’s basically like where can a player fall the fastest or run the fastest or drive a vehicle the fastest?
    Example: Your game contains a fall that accelerates the player to a terminal velocity of 500 studs per 0.2 seconds. You could safely use a setting like 550 and know that no player can ever move more than 550 studs distance in 0.2 no matter what they do; knowing that no player would normally activate this cheat detection by accident. :wink:

The maximum range that a player can push through a collide-able object without setting off a cheat detection event.

  • Why would I want to have a way for players to push through thin objects without setting off the cheat detection?
    This is really more of a convenience for players and false detection events. If one player walks by another player close enough to graze a body part or accessory sticking out that was collide-able, this can cause a false detection. If a wall was thinner than the developers’ setting, a cheater could teleport right through it without penalty. If all of your walls or doors or any collide-able objects that you don’t want a cheater to pass through are larger than this size, they won’t be about to teleport cheat through it normally. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:
  • When would a cheater be about to exploit this range setting?
    A cheater can exploit this by moving really slow through a wall or door. Slow enough that they are not breaking the limit set by the developer every 0.2 seconds. If you want to slow down cheaters, you can use lower and lower values like 0.5 studs or 0.25 studs if moving through solid objects is more about fairness and less about keeping those cheaters out of rooms or parts of your map that they should not be allowed to enter. A race game or fighting game would put this kind of cheating at a disadvantage if they are a slow/barely moving target while trying to perform the cheat.
  • What if I want to be very strict and make sure it’s impossible to teleport to my restricted areas of the map?
    Simply set this value to 0 and basically anything a raycast can hit will count as a cheat detection followed up by punishment. Keep in mind, depending on your map design, your players might get a false detection when rounding sharp corners while running or small parts of your map stick out that the player might hang on.

Ignore teleport detection through other players. If your game allows players to walk through each other, it can set off false teleport detection events. Enable this with a true setting and anything on the player model will be ignored when moving through another player.

  • Why would I want to enable this?
    If your game allows players to walk through each other, this can set off false teleport detection events. Enabling this allows any part of a player model to be ignored when players are walking around each other. There is a range limit of double the player models size in the X,Y,Z extents that another player is walking through. This helps to stop cheaters from using other player models to teleport through other solid objects next to them :wink:
  • Why would I want to disable this?
    If your players have to walk around each other as solid obstacles already in your game, this is just an extra check to avoid cheaters using other player models as a means to teleport through other solid objects. This is also useful if your game has some type of race where players have to more around each other rather than walk through or cheat through the other players.

Ignore teleport detection through specific models chosen by the developer. This will ignore all descendant parts of this model. The model needs the attribute “KM_TELEPORT_IGNORE_MODEL” set to true. This can be assigned in Studio via a boolean attribute or manually during run-time with a script if preferred.

  • Why would I want to enable this?
    This feature is useful for developers that need to ignore certain collide-able objects within a model. The best example would be a driving game. The player is seated in a vehicle, but the vehicle is not part of the player. The player only drives the vehicle. While driving, the player will be “colliding” with the vehicle if moving fast enough to overlap teleport detection scans.

    With this feature enabled, you can set an attribute on the vehicle model that will make it transparent to the ray check scans for solid objects between the previous and current player position.

    This also has the added benefit for developers that want to ignore “nuisance” false detection in their game by models that don’t matter if the player moves through or around them like decorations, sharp corner meshes, sharp corner objects, etc.

  • Why would I want to disable this?
    You probably won’t enable this feature unless false teleport detection is an issue in your game. Otherwise, you can leave it disabled to save a few CPU cycles.

  • What are the limits of this feature?
    Only the 1st Model encountered set with the ignore attribute will be excluded from the teleport cheat scan. If there are more than 1 models in between scan locations, then the second model and any collide-able parts that are descendants will still trigger a cheat detection. This was done to prevent unknown performance issues should a large number of models, each with a large number of descendants; were to get in the way. This also helps to prevent any possible routes to exploit this feature by cheaters trying to overlap many models at once to create a “bridge” to bury the scanning ray cast. All ignore attributes must be set from the Server, anything set by the Client will be ignored, for obvious exploit reasons. :wink:

Invisible Fence is a developer set X,Y,Z (or mix) axis coordinate(s) that confines the player between it. If the player moves beyond your set limit, 1 of 3 actions may take place. If no safe coordinate is set for the player object, it will check if a global safe coordinate exist. If no global safe coordinate exist, it will use the last scan location as a fallback. A cheat detection event is triggered and the player is teleported back to the either the developer chosen safe coordinate or the last scan that did not violate the set limits.

  • Temporary Exceptions and Trust Based Exceptions will not work for the players that trigger this system. Think of it as a final line of defense against extreme forms of teleport cheating.

  • To modify the Global Safe Coordinate anytime, set a new Vector3 on the attribute “KM_IVF_GLOBAL_SAFE” located directly on the workspace.

  • To create a player specific Safe Coordinate, create a new Vector3 attribute on the player object named “KM_IVF_PLAYER_SAFE”.

  • Why would I want to enable this feature?
    For certain genre of games, it’s important that the player be contained within the valid “play” area designated by the developer, such as a vehicle racing game that load new tracks every level for example. Players that are able to get far outside of the play area, whether by accident or via cheats can cause game play issues for themselves or other players in the game. This allows the developer to create a virtual fence to force the player back in to a designed safe coordinate set by the developer, such as the start of the map for example. It can also be used in creative ways to fight back against cheaters that abuse the areas outside of the game play area.

  • What is a practical example of this feature in action?
    You have a game map with a death void underneath. Using just the Y axis, you can catch players that fall out of your map and send them back to a starting area to avoid killing them.
    Another example, you have a racing game with a track that has jumps. Sometimes, players can glitch/hack out the jump and go skyward at a nearly unlimited distance. You could use the Y axis to set a “ceiling” that if the player hits it, drops them back down or sends them back to the start of the race for cheating.

Enable or disable which axis you want to setup your Invisible Fence in regards to the virtual space. If you want to disable scanning of any single axis, make sure both positive and negative values are set to 0 for that axis. These values represent stud distance in Roblox.

  • invisibleFenceXAxisP, invisibleFenceYAxisP, invisibleFenceZAxisP is the Positive Max used for that axis.
    invisibleFenceXAxisN, invisibleFenceYAxisN, invisibleFenceZAxisN is the Negative Max used for that axis.

  • The positive and negative Max do not need to be opposing positive and negative numbers. The invisibleFenceYAxisP could be set for 10 and the invisibleFenceYAxisN could be set for 2 as an example. This is only to help visualize how the 3D space will be evaluated by the anti-cheat service. Big maps might have need of large positive and negative numbers, like 1000 studs high and -1000 studs deep is an example.

  • These initial configuration settings can be modified during a live game by the developer. You need only change the values and the anti-cheat service will recalculate the invisible fence limits on the fly.
    You can find number attributes on the workspace:

  • You can now use those same attributes above and create them on the Player Object. This allows you to create a “personal” Invisible Fence specifically for that player that will over-ride your global settings. If you want to revert the player back to the global settings, simply delete the attributes from the Player Object.

  • What is a practical example of how to use these settings?
    If your map has the void death fall set for -100 studs, you could set the invisibleFenceYAxisN for -50 and the invisibleFenceYAxisP for 100 (if your map has no reason for any player to be above that elevation) with a global safe coordinate set for the map starting area. If any player falls out of your map by accident, this will catch them and teleport them back into the game play area, avoiding a game interrupting death for the player.

This will send the Teleporting Cheater Back to their Last Location before the Teleport Cheating threshold was reached. If a player was standing behind a locked door and teleported through it, this would force teleport them back to the previous side of the door. Setting this to false will ignore this punishment and you can implement your own form of punishment. If you want both soft punishment and custom punishment, this is possible by setting this option to “both” using full quotation marks. All custom punishments are stored in the “KnightmareCustomPunishment” script file that comes with the service. How to create your own custom punishments will have to be for another tutorial as it is beyond the scope of this one. :melting_face:

Common Questions & Answers:

  • What if I want my Admins or Developers to be immune from any Teleport Cheat Checks?
    You simply set an attribute on the player object from the server with the name “KM_IGNORE_PLAYER_TELEPORT_CHEAT” and set the value to true.
  • What if my player model does not have the Roblox default R6 or R15 Meshparts?
    You can create a boolean attribute “KM_MESHPART_SCAN_POINT” set to true in Studio or during a live game on your custom player model Meshpart objects and the anti-cheat service will use those as additional scan points for detection, helping to decrease the chance of false detection events.
  • What if I want to give a player a temporary exception to teleport cheat scanning?
    You simply set an attribute on the player object from the server with the name “KM_TELEPORT_TEMPORARY_EXCEPTION” and set the value to true. This will give the player one freebie exception if the player is detected as teleport cheating. Afterwards, the anti-cheat service removes this attribute from the player object so it can’t be abused. This is often useful when you need to teleport a player in your game such as player re-spawning, player teleporting to new areas, or even a teleport power for the player, etc.
    NOTE: This exception remains active until used, so if you set this and it’s possible that it won’t be used, consider removing it later to avoid a case where a cheater could find a way to exploit this. :face_exhaling:

This concludes the developers guide, hopefully the in-depth exploration and explanation of the settings can help developers tune their own games to be as strict as possible against teleport cheaters but also prevent good players from being punished by accident. :grinning:

Other developer guides to explore the other modules within the anti-cheat service will be written in the future and posted in the tutorial section as well, I just wanted to make sure I focused on each module in detail.

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This tutorial covers configuration and tuning of the Jump Cheating detection module for the service. When setting up the service for your game, the long configuration file can be a little daunting. Here, I will break down each section with explanations and practical examples of how to use it and code samples for usage.

When setting up the anti-cheat service for the first time, it’s best to enable debug mode for testing. This way you can see what the anti-cheat service is observing from the player. This can help you tune how strict you want to control the player jumping in your game.

You’ll find the settings for this near the middle of the configuration section for Jump Anti-Cheat. To enable the detection, simply change the values to this:

Set this to false if you want to turn off all Jump Cheat Detection Server Wide
Default = true
jumpCheatDetectionEnabled = true

To enable the in-game Debug Window, simply change the values to this:

Set this to true if you want the server to output Debug info for Jump Cheat Detection.
This is helpful when trying to fine tune settings for your game through testing.
Default = false
debugJumpCheatDetection = true

With this enabled, cheat detection for jump cheating will be enabled server wide for every player and an in-game debug window will display real-time info about the players in your server similar to this below. This shows what the server thinks the player is standing on, game object wise.

This is the letter axis (X, Y, or Z) that raycast scans are performed relative to the player model. If your game world is using some custom gravity where the Y axis is not up or down, this where you can change that.

Which way is jump movement? Usually Positive Numbers, but in case you have a different type of game world where players are falling towards the ceiling instead of the ground for example.

This will be the “jump power” limit on the player that when exceeded, the server will act on the player. It will often just mirror what your default jump power setting is for all your players. You can disable this scanning with a -1 number setting. maxPlayerJumpHeight will always over-ride this setting.

  • What if I want to give different players different jump power limits such as power-ups or abilities?
    Each player has an attribute loaded on the player object named “KM_MAX_JUMP_POWER”. This is where your maxPlayerJumpPower is copied to when they enter your game. You can adjust the max jump power of each player individually by changing this on the server. So if you wanted to create a power-up that doubled your player jump power but don’t want the anti-cheat to keep punishing the player, this is where you change that. This only changes how the anti-cheat scans your player, it does not actually increase or decrease your player jump power. You have to do that on your own. :wink:

This will be the “jump height” limit on the player that when exceeded, the server will act on the player. It will often just mirror what your default jump height setting is for all your players. You can disable this scanning with a -1 number setting.

  • What if I want to give different players different jump height limits such as power-ups or abilities?
    Each player has an attribute loaded on the player object named “KM_MAX_JUMP_HEIGHT”. This is where your maxPlayerJumpHeight is copied to when they enter your game. You can adjust the max jump height of each player individually by changing this on the server. So if you wanted to create a power-up that doubled your player jump height but don’t want the anti-cheat to keep punishing the player, this is where you change that. This only changes how the anti-cheat scans your player, it does not actually increase or decrease your player jump height. You have to do that on your own. :wink:

The anti-cheat service uses raycasting from the players body (feet or legs) to determine if the player is standing on a collide-able object. The raycast are very short to make sure the player is actually standing on something. This is how it determines if the player jumped by calculating the distance from where the player was standing to where the player is in the air while performing a jump. This removes dependence on the client telling the server when the player jumped as this could be hacked by cheaters to simply not report jump events.

  • What happens if I decrease the raycast distance?
    Then it will require the player to be closer to the object they are standing on, which can be an issue if the object is slanted at an angle or if your ground has a lot of small gaps or holes that the raycast can miss. This also has an effect on players using models where the feet or legs don’t stand straight up, but point out at odd angles for example. Normally the default works pretty well, but it’s tunable should the developer need to make this distance check more strict.
  • What happens if I increase the raycast distance?
    The player can “float” higher above the ground and still be considered standing on the ground. Normally, there is no need to increase this distance for typical player models. The increased raycast distance might be necessary if you are developing game has the player floating above the ground all the time.
  • Does the Jump Cheat scanning perform Radius scans around the feet similar to the Fly Cheat scanning?
    It does if no ground can be found under the player, those scans use the same distance setting that the raycast system was using via the maxJumpGroundDistance. So both raycasting and radius scanning use the same distance setting.

Setting this to true will have the anti-cheat service ignore the player climbing state when monitoring the player.

  • Why would I want to enable this?
    If your game has no places for a player to climb objects via ladders, there is no need for these additional checks on the player. Otherwise, players can attempt to cheat by having their client report that their player is constantly in a climbing state in an attempt to bypass the service monitoring.
  • Why would I want to disable this?
    If your game uses ladders for players to climb, then you want the service to perform some additional checks to make sure the player is actually climbing an object. Otherwise, the player could hack their client to report that their player is in a constant state of climbing in an attempt to bypass the service monitoring.

Setting this to true will have the anti-cheat service ignore the player swimming state when monitoring the player.

  • Why would I want to enable this?
    If your game has no places for a player to swim via terrain water, there is no need for these additional checks on the player. Otherwise, players can attempt to cheat by having their client report that their player is constantly in a swimming state in an attempt to bypass the service monitoring.
  • Why would I want to disable this?
    If your game uses terrain water for players to swim in, then you want the service to perform some additional checks to make sure the player is actually swimming in a terrain water cell. Otherwise, the player could hack their client to report that their player is in a constant state of swimming in an attempt to bypass the system monitoring.

This will stop the player in mid-air by resetting their Jump velocity back to 0 so they fall back down to the ground. Setting this to false will ignore this punishment and you can implement your own form of punishment. If you want both soft punishment and custom punishment, this is possible by setting this option to “both” using full quotation marks. All custom punishments are stored in the “KnightmareCustomPunishment” script file that comes with the service. How to create your own custom punishments will have to be for another tutorial as it is beyond the scope of this one. :melting_face:

Common Questions & Answers:

  • What if I want my Admins or Developers to be immune from any Jump Cheat Checks?
    You simply set an attribute on the player object from the server with the name “KM_IGNORE_PLAYER_JUMP_CHEAT” and set the value to true.
  • What if my player model does not have the Roblox default R6 or R15 Meshparts?
    You can create a boolean attribute “KM_MESHPART_SCAN_POINT” set to true in Studio or during a live game on your custom player model Meshpart objects and the anti-cheat service will use those as additional scan points for detection, helping to decrease the chance of false detection events.
  • What if I want to give a player a temporary exception to jump cheat scanning?
    You simply set an attribute on the player object from the server with the name “KM_JUMP_TEMPORARY_EXCEPTION” and set the value to true. This will give the player one freebie exception if the player is detected as jump cheating. Afterwards, the anti-cheat service removes this attribute from the player object so it can’t be abused. This can be used for power-ups or abilities granted to the player without having to constantly change the players max jump power used for scanning.
    NOTE: This exception remains active until used, so if you set this and it’s possible that it won’t be used, consider removing it later to avoid a case where a cheater could find a way to exploit this. :face_exhaling:
  • What are the limits of this Jump Cheat detection?
    The more powerful the cheating of the player in terms of jump power, the further they are able to travel up in the air before being caught. This is due to the fact that the player is only being scanned 5 times per second. If the player has the jump power of their client hacked to 1000, they will be about to cover a lot of vertical distance in that 0.2 seconds between the scans. To combat this, usually the Teleport Cheat detection will catch this because using jump powers that high are almost like a vertical teleport. :sweat_smile:

This concludes the developers guide, hopefully the in-depth exploration and explanation of the settings can help developers tune their own games to be as strict as possible against jump cheaters but also prevent good players from being punished by accident. :grinning:

Other developer guides to explore the other modules within the anti-cheat service will be written in the future and posted in the tutorial section as well, I just wanted to make sure I focused on each module in detail.


This tutorial covers the configuration and tuning of the Revocable Player Trust system. When setting up the service for your game, the long configuration file can be a little daunting. Here, I will break down each section with explanations and practical examples of how to use it.

This allows the Developer to build trust with good players by incrementing a “trust” score based on either the time spent in the game with no cheats detected or manually set by the Developer as they see fit. This allows the player to use a bank of freebie exceptions, separate from any other set by the Developer. During times of lag spikes or false detections, this keeps the player from being punished unfairly or interrupting game play for good players.

Because this feature can be configured for each type of detection, it was best that it had its own tutorial section to avoid creating too much clutter for the individual types of detection tutorials in previous post above.

You’ll find the settings near the bottom of the configuration under the Jump Anti-Cheat section. To enable this feature, simply change the values to this:

Set this to true if you want to enable Revocable Player Trust Server Wide.
Default = false
revocablePlayerTrustEnabled = true

With this enabled, any detection modules you have active with debug will have additional debug output to let the developer know what is going on with the new system.

When a player uses a RPT exception, this will also activate the custom punishment module. The activation will also pass the argument “rptActivated” as true to the function so the developer can check if it was activated by the RPT system or not. This can be used to log how often a player is activating RPT exceptions in your game among various other uses.

  • Why would I want to enable this?
    If you want to be about to track when a player activates cheat detection by either the RPT Exception or through normal means, this will allow you distinguish the difference. You can use this as a way to monitor how often players are using your RPT exceptions or anything else that may have a useful purpose in your game.
  • Why would I want to disable this?
    If you have no reason to keep track of RPT exception activation or custom forms of punishment, you can leave this disabled by default.

With Ping Monitoring Enabled, you can assign latency ranges to Forgiveness Tiers that will influence how the RPT system builds trust with players. This allows the developers to offer more or less trust based on the real-time latency of the players in-game.

  • Why would I want to enable this?
    If soft punishments can produce dire effects for your players due to latency or Roblox service issues, you can enable server wide ping monitoring of every player. These readings will be average out over the last 4 readings to produce a ping average for every player that can be referenced later by the developer set ping tiers.
  • Why would I want to disable this?
    If soft punishments only help to stop exploiters and don’t really harm your players if they get soft punished by accident, other than an inconvenience, then you probably don’t have a need to setup ping tiers for your players.

If you have RPT Ping Monitoring Enabled, how often will the anti-cheat system ping the players to refresh their current latency measured in milliseconds. This uses very small amounts of bandwidth and client resources to get in-game latency. This is different than the Roblox measured ping because instead of measuring the ping from the device, it measures the response from in-game; which is more accurate. Lower numbers do provide more accurate measurements, but increase the amount of bandwidth and resources that the client needs to respond to these measurements. Any latency measurements exceeding this max will be ignored, to avoid exploitation of this latency measurement system by client exploiters.

  • What values work best?
    The default 2 seconds should work fine. Any player with more than 2000 ms of latency in your game is probably not able to play properly anyway. You can set this lower if you want to get a more accurate average ping measurement, such as 1 second, but keep in mind it uses more bandwidth from the client (though, still very little) to ping them twice as much. If bandwidth is really an issue for your game, setting this higher to +3 seconds or more will also work at using less bandwidth.

Ping Forgiveness Tiers:
If you have RPT Ping Monitoring Enabled, you can setup 3 different Forgiveness Tiers that will influence how the RPT awards Trust points to Players. Each Minimum/Maximum number is latency measured in Milliseconds. You can setup the Tiers anyway you wish, but for configuration purposes, the fastest players start at Tier1 and move up as latency increases. You can customize the Trust Bonus for each type of cheat detection. These amounts will be added to the Player Trust Score when it is awarded by the RPT system. Depending on how you setup your Forgiveness Tier, you could allow partial Trust Points to build up to full Trust Points over time, to help curb any potential abuse by exploiters.

You can also use negative numbers to slow down trust building points for players with better pings than their peers, such as using -0.5 so that the low ping players are only awarded 0.5 trust points instead of 1 trust point each time.

[pingForgivenessMinimumTier 1,2,3]
The minimum ping needed to stay in this tier.

[pingForgivenessMaxTier 1,2,3]
The maximum ping allowed to stay in this tier.

[rptForgivenessTrustSpeedTier 1,2,3], [rptForgivenessTrustFlyTier 1,2,3], [rptForgivenessTrustTeleportTier 1,2,3], [rptForgivenessTrustJumpTier 1,2,3]
The amount of trust points added (or subtracted) for each Tier and applied to the Player’s Trust Score.
Example: Default Tier 1 has a minimum ping of 0 ms and a maximum of 100 ms. Players that stay in this tier can then be given a +0.1 Boost when awarded Trust Points, raising them from 0 to 1.1 Trust Points.

[speedRPTDelay], [flyRPTDelay], [teleportRPTDelay], [jumpRPTDelay]
RPT (Revocable Player Trust) Time delay in seconds for every +1 added to the player “trust” score. This is the time window that the player must not trigger any cheat detection to gain an additional trust point. If a cheat is detected, the player will Not be awarded a trust point. This will reset after the delay is finished and start over fresh for the player. If the player performed a cheat in the previous time window but was good in the current time window, they can still be awarded a trust point at the end.

If you do not want to use any timer based awarding of trust points, you can set this to 0 and it will disable the use of the timer on all players. This will allow the developer to manually award or take away trust points as they see fit.

Developers that want to manually modify the trust score, look for these corresponding number attributes on the player object.

You can even disable the trust score on a single player by changing this attribute number to -1 if desired. The player will no longer gain anymore trust points from the timer with this setting.

[speedRPTOneTimeTrust], [flyRPTOneTimeTrust], [teleportRPTOneTimeTrust], [jumpRPTOneTimeTrust]
Setting this to true will enable one-time trust on all players.
The player can only use up all the “trust” they have earned once. Afterwards, the trust score will no longer automatically build back up. It can still be manually modified by the developer if desired. When the player burns through all of their trust points, their trust score basically becomes -1 to signal that no more trust will be given to the player via the delay timer. If a developer wants to turn trust building back on for a player, they can set the trust score value to 0, to signal that trust building is allowed again.

Developers that want to manually modify the trust score, look for these corresponding number attributes on the player object.

[speedRPTMaxTrustScore], [flyRPTMaxTrustScore], [teleportRPTMaxTrustScore], [jumpRPTMaxTrustScore]
The Maximum “trust” score that a player can build up. This is helpful at preventing players from building up too much trust so it can be abused later. This is global for all players and the limit is only enforced by the delay timer. The developer can modify the player “trust” score to exceed this limit if they desire.

Common Questions & Answers:

  • What is the priority of these “trust exceptions” during a game?
    Trust exceptions are only used if the developer has not set a regular “exception” to be used on the player. Trust exceptions have no effect on cheat events triggered by the Invisible Fence feature via Teleport Anti-cheat detection.
  • What is the best way to trust players with this feature?
    It will depend completely on the developer to decide these rules because there is no way to create one default setting that will work for every game genre out there. The developer is encouraged to start out with strict settings to better understand later tuning. This will help players by keeping cheating down to the best possible minimum that won’t affect your good players who experience latency or Roblox service issues.
  • Can this feature be abused by players?
    Certainly, since its very existence means players could use trial and error to figure out what kind of settings you have in place. I would encourage the developers to use this feature as a trust building tool with your game community and less of a “set it and forget it” type of feature running at just some default settings.
  • USE AT YOUR OWN RISK :thinking:
