Devlog #1 | untilted music fps - the start

Hello and WELCOME to my first-ever devlog!

This project is pretty much about 2 of the biggest passions in my life:

  • Music and FPS game

That project is about moving extremely fast doing some sick combo using different ability while trying to stay on beat!

Things that have been added to the game:

  • fps gun engine
  • f to dash into player ability
  • death and kill effect
  • fov and color that react to music
  • some cool camera effect

thing i want to add in the next devlog:

  • combo and streak system
  • multiplayer ability
  • better UI
  • better overall system

If you don’t understand here is the YouTube video:

Any Feedback / Comments are appreciated!

Thank you for reading!

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Played your game, super fun! Nice work!

One idea for you on how you use the music in your game – use loops.

The song you have in your game has a tempo of 150bpm (beats per minute). Therefore using the formula from our post (see below 150/60 * 4 *8), each 8 bar second is 12.8 seconds long.

One idea would be – loop the sections one by one and move further into the song when your player progresses – starts shooting, starts hitting things, starts really scoring points, etc.

  1. In the beginning, you could loop just 0-12.8 seconds of the track
  2. When they start shooting, you could move to the 2nd section (12.8 to 25.6 seconds)
  3. When they start scoring points you could loop the next big section from 25.6 to 51.2 seconds
  4. Then, when the action dies down (and they shoot everything), you could move to the calm section at 51.2 seconds (which we call the “breakdown” section).
  5. Then go back to the 25.6 to 51.2 when the action heats up again.

Just an idea – could sound really cool! Reach out to me with any questions!

Thank you for the suggestion but I’m not sure if it would work well because I’m not sure I can find a way to blend these 2 loop sections!

But thank you anyway :heart:

You totally can blend the loops. We show you have to do that in our code in that post.

You basically play all your loops simultaneously, then quickly fade from one to another when you want to switch tracks – so only one loop sounds at any time.