Diagonal Elevator isnt working properly

Hello, i have made a diagonal lift which is supposed to carry the player, but it doesnt.

As you can see, the part doesnt take the player with it and the floating button you see in the video is supposed to be welded to it. I used the tween sequence editor plugin and here is my script:

animator = require(script.Parent.MainDoor.Animator)

	script.Parent.Button.ProximityPrompt.Enabled = false

Screen Shot 2022-12-03 at 11.12.24 AM


This seems like it should be under ‘Scripting Support’ rather than ‘Building Support’. However, I do believe the main issue is that you are not applying the same movement/force from the lift to the character (I don’t program on roblox but that is the best advice I can give).

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That is 100% correct. I saw a similar post to this and if i can find it ill link it here.

This should (hopefully) fix your issue.

What I do, because tweenservice doesnt move a character is put an invisible part on top of the tweening part, unanchor it, and weld it the tweening part