Dialogue Tree Editor Plugin & Dialogue System [OLD]

You should see the available update in the plugin management menu. image

Open that and click update on the plugin. If it hasn’t shown up yet then Roblox is taking a while to update it.

Alright I’ll try that, I think something is wrong with my studio or I have too many plugins. I have to manually install the plugin using the rbxm file. When I try to install it, roblox opens studio and never gives me a confirmation on if the plugin installed correctly.

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is there an easy way to customize the gui?

You can customize it as much as you like with what Roblox provides you. Other than that, not at the moment.

Suggestion: Maybe have a scrollable frame option for the responses, so you don’t need to split up responses or make the response list bigger than it needs to be.

Yeah, I would suggest having “themes.” Some possibilities would be Dark, Light, Code (Black background with green text), rainbow, etc, including the option to manually set these values. It would much improve this system.

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Hi! Would I be able to use the lock function to determine whether a player has a certain item? I’m confused with how I would implement that (Or do you suggest a different alternative, like if else?)

For that I would use the condition node. You can make your own if functions there to let the dialogue know which path to take.

I cannot install this plugin to studio for some reason. I tried to restart my laptop and it still did not work.
Would you mind if you will give us the local files of the plugin so we can install it?

Make sure you’ve allowed the plugin to insert scripts into the game. You can do that in the plugin management tab. If this doesn’t fix it then I’ll send you the files.

When I click install on the plugin’s page, what that happens is that the studio will launch and it will remain on the main page. There isn’t any notifications about whether the plugin was installed or an error has occurred. I think this does not relate to script insertion to the plugin. Thank you very much for your help and I appreciate it.

Oh looks like I misunderstood the situation. Well in that case try looking for it in the toolbox right inside studio. That should surely give you some message.

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That glitch is on Roblox’s end. Its been happening to a ton of people.

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It says that ToggleLockWithKey and LoadNextExchange are unknown values.

And there is no parenthesis here I had to add it myself.

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The script should work nonetheless. Though I guess it wouldn’t hurt to make it a little cleaner with less red underlines. I’ll update the plugin in a bit. It should fix both of the issues. Thanks for the notice!

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A node that allows you to run code would be really useful. Or is there an already implemented way that allows you to run specific code that is determined by the dialogue?


For that you could use the condition node. It’s not 100% ideal for what you’re trying to do but it should work. I’ll look into it and perhaps I’ll add that in later down the line. Thanks!

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Really enjoying this plugin, but I ran into a problem! I want to be able to display variables in my dialogue, such as “I will sell you a sword for x amount of gold.” Is this already supported in your plugin?

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I added a quick attribute based system for you. Here’s how it works:

Let’s say you wanted a prompt to say “I will sell you a sword for x amount of gold.” Now the way you modify the X in this prompt is by adding a new string attribute inside the prompt node with whatever name you want. For this example I’ll name it “Price” Afterwards, you can call that attribute in the prompt by doing: “I will sell you a sword for >Price< amount of gold.” (Just remember to turn around the > and <, dev forum doesn’t like me adding them like they are in the system. Here is the example in the explorer:

You can then change that value as you see fit with external scripts.

If you want your hands on this you just gotta update the plugin to its latest version and replace the dialogue gui’s handler script.

Side note: This only works on prompts currently.

Let me know if you still have any problems with it. I’ll be glad to help!

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Looks like there was a small mistake in the comment I posted on dev forum’s end regarding the >< markings. I updated to comment so it should explain the usage a little better. Hopefully the message went across nonetheless.

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