Did Roblox change something with the entire game UI?

I don’t know what the cause is, but in any experience I go, all the game UI is scaled and I don’t know why this all of a sudden happend. Like, I don’t understand.

I deleted all the Roblox settings, but that was not the cause? Did Roblox add a new feature or is it something on my end? How did this happen?

I don’t notice this issue in Roblox Studio.

But all the UI, custom from experiences and the default Roblox one, is scaled.

Do you mind sending pictures? It’s a bit vague on what you mean by “UI is scaled”


In Studio it’s normal

These 2 pictures look basically similar, I don’t understand what the difference your pointing at is?

Studio one is clear and not blurry. The other one however, is blurry and scaled up for some reason.

I think its because the studio window is not full scale because it has the toolbars and stuff like that so it causes it to scale down a bit. It doesn’t look different on my device so maybe you changed the resolution or something?

No, if I resize window in Studio, it’s still fine.

The Roblox game is the issue, and I don’t know why. I haven’t touched anything in the device resolution recently.

I tried something now. So my Windows scale was set to 125 before, because this device here is a bit different. However. The fact that I wanna point out is, Roblox was normal before.

So however, I went to the scale of 100 and Roblox returned to the normal scale that it was before.

So for some reason, Roblox is now being affected by a DPI Scale from the settings of Windows. How can I disable that?

They most likely added a feature that will detect the scale or zoom of the players settings and change the UI to comply with that. They likely didn’t add it to studio because studio is more of a testing environment.

You cannot disable it. Roblox is doing the correct thing and scaling based on the user’s preferences.


So did they actually add this?

But they’re not doing the correct thing, I don’t want that? How do I prevent it from being scaled?

Okay, I found a workaround for this issue.

This post here, fixed the problem for me… and disabled Roblox from being affected by the DPI again

My other question is… how did this happen though??? I was switching from Studio and Roblox game and suddenly this just happend at some point, I don’t understand why this happend.

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Yeah… but it can’t be… that I have to do this now every… everytime when Roblox updates…