Difficulty Chart Help

Hello! I’m making a difficulty chart on my main, Bruhuhos. I’ve been working on a checkpoint system for hours but it hasn’t been working. I would love to get feedback on how to make this work and even models or scrips! I would love that, but also a script to save for when they leave and come back…

Please Help! Feedback and other stuff is good but I’ll link the difficulty chart soon…


You can check this videos:

I think it would help you :slight_smile:

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Thanks, but I need a currency type of thing, not a Team switch. Thanks for the thought though! :smile:

When you mean “currency type thing”, do you mean you get currency every time you get on a checkpoint?

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Yes @0Jxmes, I I thought about that.

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No, I mean the stage value changes on the leaderboard, not team switch.

So I’m making a obby right now, and I found this script from Packstabber from the toolbox. Since I couldn’t find the original pack, I’ll just share this script with you.

--[[By nicemike40 (credit appreciated)

This was found from Packsabber model.

Note: Capitalization and spelling is important!

-- settings:
local STAT_NAME = "Stage"

local checkpoints = {}

local i = 1
while true do
local checkpoint = Workspace:FindFirstChild("Checkpoint " .. i, true)
if not checkpoint then print("Last Checkpoint : " .. i-1) break end
table.insert(checkpoints, checkpoint)
i = i + 1

local leaderstats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats") or Instance.new("Model", player)
leaderstats.Name = "leaderstats"

local checkpointStat = Instance.new("IntValue", leaderstats)
checkpointStat.Name = STAT_NAME
checkpointStat.Value = 1

	local goto = checkpoints[checkpointStat.Value]
	if goto then
		repeat wait() until character.Parent
		warn("Checkpoint " .. checkpointStat.Value .. " not found")

for index, checkpoint in ipairs(checkpoints) do
	local player = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(hit.Parent)
	if not player then return end
	local humanoid = hit.Parent:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
	if not humanoid or humanoid.Health <= 0 then return end
	local leaderstats = player:FindFirstChild("leaderstats")
	if not leaderstats then return end
	local checkpointStat = leaderstats:FindFirstChild(STAT_NAME)
	if not leaderstats then return end
	if (PREVENT_SKIPPING and checkpointStat.Value + 1 == index) or (not 
PREVENT_SKIPPING and checkpointStat.Value < index) then
		checkpointStat.Value = index

Just name each checkpoint “Checkpoint 1”, “Checkpoint 2”, etc. When you step on it, the stage will update on the leaderboard!

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Oops! I didn’t see the last part… sorry now I understand, thanks!

So just put the script anywhere under Workspace, and name the spawn Checkpoint 1, Checkpoint 2, etc. For example, spawn 33 should be called “Checkpoint 33”. It doesn’t matter what the checkpoint looks like, it will still work. Also, glad I could help! :+1:

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Sorry if this is too much to ask, but do you have anything on data stores and saving the checkpoint?

Like where the checkpoints save your progress, so you can leave the game and spawn where you left off?

Yeah. That’s what I mean. I also have to fill this in for the 30 word policy thing which is pretty annoying lol.

Sorry, but I’m currently trying to figure this one out to lol. I think this video might help though because it’s similar to the current script I sent: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9FlUaj5akM

Glad I could help out earlier though! :+1:

Yep, Thanks, you helped a lot! Also thanks for answering

There is an available Obby System that can be found here in the forum:
Techy’s Obby System It has a stage selector, stage skip, etc.

Please search the forum first before posting to avoid spamming

Sorry, I haven’t looked but thanks! I also found a different video for others that works

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