Spicy. ill try that
I don’t know, Maybe better lighting/A stage where you have a certain time limit to go around something or up a mini-tower?
Do you have any obby builders you have in mind?
I’ve played the game a while back and tbh it’s pretty boring. It’s basically the same as every other difficulty chart obby. Also, most of the parts aren’t even made by the team behind the game, its from the JToH kit.
I don’t.
If I knew any people I’d tell you.
All I can say now is good luck! I hope you find something that will raise your player base.
Im not talking about “how boring it is” I just want to know what I said. We only used spinners, etc for the thing. Not the whole obby.
In my opinion Difficulty charts are fun and challenging.
People just need to make it stand out more or something.
Boring is a factor in why your dropping in player count. People will get bored of games especially since it’s basically the same thing.
We update every week. Bug fixes, Small gui updates, Practice obby.
I never said I disliked difficulty chart obbies, occasionally I’ll play one, the problem is they basically are the same.
They basically copied us. We were the first one, they just make better improvements.
I can respect that. They are basically duplicates.
Em’s Difficulty Chart Obby was definitely not the first, I’ve seen ones around mid 2019, around 6 months older than Em’s is.
Thats true, but those are small updates, nothing game changing. Maybe gamemodes could be added such as who can beat a miniature version of the game the fastest.
Renamed and recategorised, just saying. Title is more descriptive of the game and your problem, while the new category is reflecting on the fact that you’re focusing on a specific game and asking for help figuring out a problem with your game. Development Discussion is for generalised prompts.
Well you need to have things that make your game different not the same as other games
I think it’s safe to say it is time to move on to another project. The genre your game is in is so specific (difficulty charts), is not much of a popular genre anyways, and is already saturated by hundreds of other games. You can argue all you want, but simply updating a boring game won’t do if the entire premise behind it is unappealing. For example, if a game with 40 concurrent players added a new gun, if by a slim chance I did try it out, I’d use the new gun and then never come back again because I never was hooked on the game anyways. That’s your case. I wouldn’t waste anymore time on this to save you precious dev time.
I would think that school is making your players drop. Another thing is that maybe a load of people have beaten the game. Or, maybe they are stuck on a hard stage.
nooby players > pro players
I think there are few pro players.
Apparently I’ve disliked your game in the past. I forgot why and so rejoined.
I remembered why, to put it in one word, Stage 111. In most difficulty chart games I get way past that number but I find this one inaccurate. That might be one reason that you aren’t getting a ton of players.
Another thing is you don’t have some really basic difficulty chart obby features, like the stage teleport carousel on the top. You have to type in the stage number and that isn’t very convenient.
Another thing is the new Halloween theme looks kinda cheesy. I think you might have gone about that update the wrong way.
I know this sounds kind of harsh, but as a previous player, this was one of my least favorite difficulty chart obbies. This may be the reason why your concurrent player # is small.
I also highly doubt you’ve been dislike botted because your like amount is higher than your dislike amount, for one, and for second, it matches your all-time player count.
P.S. you used the JToH kit and to me, that feels kind of lazy. It’s not extremely hard to make an obby, after all, and people want original games more than free model games.