Disable Accessory Auto Equip

Is there any way that I can prevent an Accessory from automatically be equipped / worn by a player when they touch it? I want to add it to the player when they press a key using AddAccessory, not when they step on it.


Im pretty sure this doesn’t happen if your character is already wearing an accessory, so an easy fix would be to have your character wear an invisible accessory at all times

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I am not very sure if there is a way (even an option), but what I would do is turn it into a part and when touched, fetch the mesh and transform it into an accessory. That way could work so you would not have to worry about it being auto-equipped.

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Accessories stack, so I am pretty sure it would still happen even if the player was wearing an accessory beforehand. (By stack I mean that they get equipped normally regardless of other accessories)

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Hmm i am not sure cus this doesn’t happen if your avatar already wearing accessories

Yes, it is possible to do this. Internally, the engine creates a TouchInterest object in a loose accessory’s handle which allows it to be worn when you touch it. Simply remove the TouchInterest object from the accessory’s handle and you won’t be able to wear it by touching it.


You could make a separate object then spawn it in the world and then script it to enable a pickup GUI, detect user input and give the player the accessory that corresponds to the object in the workspace. After that is done, you can delete the object.