So I set the Player’s WalkSpeed to 7 to make them use the walking animation. I replace the walk and run animations with each tool they equip (they all handle differently) and edited the original script so it immediately loads the new animation in.
But it looks like the script blends between the Run animation and the Walk animation, and I can’t figure out how to turn that off below a walkspeed of 8.
The script I used: <//Removed>
If someone can help me with this, it would help me out so much!
My guess is that they were adjusting the animation weights, so that one animation is overlapping the other. In other words, causing the custom animation to be in higher “priority” than the default ones.
Correct; I disabled the weight adjustments and even went as far as making the Run animation stop when the player is Walking, and the other way around. Works like a charm!