Hey, can you do so you can’t verify if you’re already verified because you can execute and do the process infinite amount of times even though you’re verified already, thank you!
You won’t be able to verify if you already have a verification request
but what if you are already verified?
You can still do it as what if someone wanted to switch their account
am I able to Move this onto repl.it or VSC?
If you want to, you can try to move it to repl. VSC (Visual Studio Code) won’t work as that’s local hosting, which no one outside your network, can access
If I wanted to use repl.it what would need to be changed in the code? Just the repl.it URL instead of glitch on the game correct?
Variable name doesn’t really matter
but where do I get the glitch key?
Edit: it’s my first time in this forum
local key = 'KEY SET FOR GLITCH'
The key can be anything that you want
I still have a glitch problem where we can contact you?
What’s the problem that you are facing on Glitch?
I have solved the glitch problem but in roblox studio I have this now,
local res = hs:GetAsync(glichURL .. getVRequestsURL .. '?username=' .. plr.Name)
output error:
20:49:16.739 verifyrobloxid.glitch.meget-requests?username=BloxTobal_YT: Trust check failed - Server - VerifyGUILoader:7
Go here for an answer, I honestly didn’t know what that error meant until like 4 seconds ago
Do not attempt this method unless it is a last resort & you are aware of the hazards.
wrong, you can actually port forward a port to use.
then you can use node.js to listen for requests
then use a domain that you own.
Do not attempt this method unless it is a last resort & you are aware of the hazards.
Doing this method can lead to your network being vulnerable to attacks:
If you have done the method already, follow these safety steps to reverse everything.
- Terminate the node.js program (if you havent)
- Make sure to delete your main javascript file.
- Go into your network settings
- Go into the port forwarding/port triggering category.
- Remove the all ports unless you DESPERATLY need then.
- Congratulations, you just made your network a whole lot safer.
Protection Tips you should read
Want to be protected even more? Read up on some of the protection tips!
- If someone asks you to go to your network settings to add a port, DO NOT DO IT.
- If someone has your IP address (which is really easy to grab unless you don’t click shady links) and they have an open port on your network, they can easily hack it.
- Try to read up on safety articles if you want to be protected.
- Check up on the latest security updates on any device. Install them when you can.
- Don’t click on shady links. (basic)
- Change the default username and password for login.
- Place the router in the center of your home.
- Do NOT turn on Remote Management.
I apologize for almost causing damage to networks.
I will think & research more before replying to something this serious.
felt bad for just putting a post up that can damage computers & networks so I modified it
This is a bad idea. In what way would this be beneficial to a user or developer?
I know it’s a bad idea,
I didn’t research it thoroughly as I was replying.
This is just a last resort anyway, you can still use repl.it or glitch.com
That’s true; I’m just worried if people tried to do that, because of the security & availability concerns that would follow
Yeah, not a good idea to leave a port open on your network.
Sorry for recommending a bad idea.
I’ve updated the post, looks much better, don’t you think?