Looks sweet, was their a localized version of this module to use to connect to multiple servers?
It was never added into the final v2 of PreloadService. There is a Player Management screen but it only works for showing basic info, none of the buttons work. I suggest waiting for me to finish Administer.
Hi all,
Happy new years!
I’m sorry for the lack of updates here. PreloadService is extremely broken at this point and I’m not supporting it so there has been nothing for me to post about. Soon, I’ll request to have this thread locked.
Administer is getting closer to being done. I have a lot of the internal and external infrastructure setup. Here’s what it looks like so far:
There’s still a lot of rough edges and incomplete parts - but I promise I’m working on it. I hope to have something by the end of May I can share.
Thank you all for your extended support! If you want to keep up with development, I post stuff to my Twitter (@darkpixlz) every so often, so follow me there for more frequent updates!
when is this gonna be complete? i’ve been waiting a while now
Soon! It’s taking a bit because I’m trying to polish it and there’s a lot of new features in store (even ones I haven’t covered before). I had originally promised “something by may” but I don’t see that happening now. It won’t be very much longer, but it’s not complete. I’ll post here when it’s out in some medium (beta or final). Even if it is beta, I’m not going to let any bugs slip through that I can’t find so hopefully it’ll be a smooth experience.
I’ve been meaning to make an update here, thanks for the reminder.
A few days back I finished the last fully lacking part of Administer - the homepage widgets. With that complete, the actual client is mostly complete and ready for production minus the QA which I’ll have done on it. Here are a few screenshots:
That video was recorded a few days back now and since I’ve patched a lot of issues with it (like the snapping and overlap). It’s been a while mostly because I’m going to prefect every aspect of it - and that takes way longer than anything PreloadService was able made to do.
With the client mostly done my priorities are now shifting to building out the AppAPI, making apps, and QA testing it to make sure it’s awesome for anybody who uses it. I’m still totally open to feedback - feedback is an amazing thing and it’s never too late to give me some! I’m hoping for something out to the public by the end of the summer hopefully - and I mean it this time. I stopped giving regular updates to this thread because it seemed like nobody cared but maybe if there’s a lot of demand I’ll start back up again. Once again, you can mostly find stuff on my Twitter and the dev branch of the GitHub. Once again thank you for your prolonged patience and support for everything! It truly means a lot to me and I’m dedicated to delivering an amazing product for everybody.
Also moving forward I’ll make the Trello board public so anybody can drop in and check our progress so far. Check it out here:
For more transparency, I just pushed the last lacking bit of the client. Should be clear to work on adding as many apps as possible now.
Keeping it coming with demand. The main App Server has just been rewritten in FastAPI and should be better than the old Flask one using a cloud database. More to come soon, this is just the start.
Hoping for this to be the last update here if all goes smoothly. Have once again updated the core UI to be more fun and pop out more with some gradients, image blurs, etc. Here’s the about page:
I’ve been pushing for something by the end of summer but I’m struggling hard to find reliable devs who are active and respond to their messages and want to actually work. If hiring keeps going like this it might be later but I fully promise it will be before the end of the year. Sorry for the unreliability generally but that’s what you get from transparency. Here’s a video I recorded for you guys to see:
Exciting news! The client is now finished (RC1 has been merged into the Canary branch) so we should be all good for launch soon! Thanks so much to everybody for sticking around this entire time. It’s been a crazy journey so far and I’m excited to get 1.0 released to the world!
I’ll close this topic off when the time comes. If you have any questions feel free to reply to this or PM me
what does administer do exactly
It’s pretty much the admin panel PreloadService never was with modular apps so you can pick and choose what you want it to be able to do (unlike competition) and even make your own with very straightforward setup (game owners are automatically admin). When the time comes the resources topic will go into more detail
What is RC1 and the Canary branch?
RC1 means “release candidate 1” and it essentially means it’s ready for release but it’s currently undergoing the QA process (if QA raises any outstanding issues we will make changes and update to “RC2”. Canary means the code is fresh and it’s not quite “beta” or “ready for production”. Later into its life you’ll probably be able to opt-into beta and canary updates instead of production. The GitHub commit shows it pretty well:
Release date announced!! Thanks again to everybody for keeping along with everything once again. PS won’t be a day one app available on the store but I look forward to adding it soon.
One final update for here. I opened an Administer server for all of our development things which you can participate in! Feel free to join:
This thread will be closed when Administer launches. Thanks for keeping along with PreloadService throughout the years!
Sorry, but I don’t see this happening now. One of the devs had a stroke two weeks ago and I’m still personally working on the main apps like player management and announcements. This is mostly out of my control but I’ve been trying to ramp things up internally. I promise it won’t be too long but I’m not going to give a date until I’m 100% sure. Sorry.
I’ll start doing updates in the server any time notable progress is made regardless of what it is so anybody holding out Id recommend you join that. Should keep you in the know without me spamming this thread. The server is mostly managed by @Ninjarmadillo1 now but it’s way better than my old one with proper channels and categories which I will be using to sort progress with the trello stuff. I’ll be using the server for reports, suggestions, etc when the public release comes out (hopefully this month but absolutely no later than next month.)
Administer is out!
I just released a general public release of Administer, go try it out!
Thanks for waiting so long - I hope it’s worth the wait! Going to have this topic closed now.