DistanceFade - A transparency falloff effect for your games

Should I seperate the union and make a model instead? I’m guessing the code was made for a series of objects and not just one.

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umm have you opened up the script…

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Oops. Omg I’m so dumb. So would I just remove those 7 lines and just add the union?

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Hold up, the red barrier preset doesn’t even look like that.

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ummm, kind looks like it goes center part out because of offsets… so mimic perhaps only what 4 has…

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umm ya , red only has one part…

So how would I make it a union?

send me the union part and I will see if I can get it to work

I have a whole entire game so I can’t really send it over.

Ill make a new game and save it then.

Place1.rbxl (65.3 KB)
It’s just called WorldBorder, it’s in workspace.

Also if you could make it work in StarterPlayerScripts that would be great.

or just do it like this and rename your union to barrier

it is only see from one face tho…

Ok let me see what I can do… (chars)

The borders only show as if the union was a square, so something’s up,

I even tried the hexagons and it’s still not working.

hi, unfortunately the module only works with square faces. You could potentially arrange baseparts to fit the shape of your union, similar to how I made the curve in the Hexagon barrier template

Ok, so you’re saying if I make a square with 4 parts it should work?

Also, the red barrier is only one part, how would I make it on all 4 parts of the square?

you can add the rest of the faces on the part using :AddFace(part, normalId)
for example if you want to add it to the top of the part, set the normalId to Enum.NormalId.Top