Do higher ups use our forum accounts without our permission?

Just one example: getting rid of bad content on user profiles, i.e. impersonating someone to remove/edit their blurb if they put something inappropriate on there.

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Impersonating users is officially meant for resolving issues. When a community member is reporting that they encounter an issue, an administrator can take a look by using the impersonation feature.
Not only Discourse is having this feature, many other platforms have this too. (Not limited to forum software.)

Roblox is using SSO (Single Sign On) to handle logins from Roblox accounts. Impersonating users on the forum doesn’t provide access to your Roblox account. By checking the Roblox API, I’ve found out that Roblox can impersonate accounts on Roblox itself too.

Even if they didn’t add impersonation, it’s likely they can still change individual pieces of data that otherwise could only be changed on your account.

Or they could just change your password, that works too.

I know I am super late to this question. But I can confirm that yes they do.
But I doubt they are going to log into your account just to mess with you. Its not professional.

Some may be asking. How do I know this?
I used to be on a forum ran on discourse. The forum is long gone now.
But a staff member on the forum did indeed log into my account just to play a joke on me.
I do not have any proof to back this up. So you will have to take my word for it.

I am unsure if this is a granted feature by paying or getting some sort of plugin for a forum.
But once again I doubt the staff here would log into your account under any condition.

It’s already been established that they can. OP is asking if they actually do it.

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Oh my bad. I should have probably skimmed a bit more before posting my response then