"do not run what you just ran"

Found this error in the Error Report tab on the creator hub:

Sounds vaguely threatning, what does this mean please help :sob:
Also might be contender for best error message I have seen so far


local MarketplaceService = game:GetService("MarketplaceService")

local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

player:WaitForChild("IsLoaded", 999)

	MarketplaceService:PromptProductPurchase(player, 2669995322)
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Looks like some cheat’s error.

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Thats what I would assume as well, but it appears in multiple games, always when prompting a product purchase. Is there another function that you are supposed to use now? This error is new from what I know

There’s a cheat which attempts to break this method, so user will get that for free. Sometimes they succeed. I don’t remember which method exactly though.

Sounds like some virus to me.

Try pressing CTRL+SHIFT+F and search for require and getfenv. These are necessary functions for most viruses. Otherwise you can probably also search for “do not run what you just ran (vulnerable function)”, table.concat or \\\d+ with regular expressions enabled.

Also make sure to unhide all services in the explorer.

The OP posts the script the error is coming from; it can’t be a virus since it’s from a built-in function (which likely means it’s from an executor)

I’d check anyway just in case. And look at it. It does look like a virus, does it not?

An addition:
Found it in some core scripts too:

Not sure what this has in common with my scripts, but its something I guess?

A virus is out of the question (but I dont disagree, it sure does look like one), since I do not use free models, and the game has not been updated in a few months (and the error message is pretty recent)

Looking a bit further, there’s a bug report that was filed for this:

This could’ve been added by Roblox because of some security vulnerabilities that were discovered around a year ago with these methods (and events); so maybe that’s what it is?

Well, thanks for nothing search function!!

I guess its fine then. Thank you for the link!

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