Do something about misleading games

Recently alot of these games have been popping up:




They’re all basically the same thing, a copied and pasted obby with an icon that makes young players believe they will get a robux compensation for completing the game. Hard working developers are being surpassed by people with 0 experience scamming kids out of their time. Soon most of the experiences on the platform will end up being these games. Do you really want these type of games to exceed the ones that developers actually put effort into?
Please either stop allowing these games or just make them less visible.


I don’t think this is an issue of Roblox not allowing these misleading games, but rather how moderation works currently. Which, I can’t fully comment on as there’s little information on how Roblox moderation actually works. More on that at the end of my reply.

Those games seem to be against the Roblox Community Standards:

Click to see Image 1

This is also said by Roblox here:

Click to see Image 2

Roblox might not have anyone surfing the website actively looking for those games. They might only be aware of the content if reported. (As it seems from the 2nd image.)

I’ve made a feature request requesting more info on how moderation works. Since we don’t know how it works, I can only recommend reporting any games like this you see.


These have been around since I joined in 2009, imo they were even more prevalent back then since you’d get a tix from just tricking someone into pressing the play button. It’s an inherent flaw to user-created spaces, nothing we can really do about it. Part of me thinks that Roblox isn’t likely to ever address it since those games are profitable.


I dont think theres much roblox can do other than just keep taking them down. Best way would be to make it so you cant link games through a comment which is where ive mainly seen it, other than that with the new alt account feature it might slow down a bit but other than that, there isnt really a solution or way to stop it.

But another issue is some of these games somehow get kids to give them their login and password, and then proceed to use their accounts and groups to look “normal” and not like bots, making even more kids click on it and then ends up becoming a monopoly.

Example, that “sky obby” comes from a group, that looks normal [ EVENT ] ☁️SKY|OBBY☁️ - Roblox
Substance+ - Roblox

And the owner of the group is, as we can tell a new player, more than likely underaged making it possible they fell for the weird robux scheme,

but as i said before, best method would be making it so you cant link games via group comments and make it so new games for around a few days dont appear on the discover page.


Hard disagree.

Linking games in group comments should not be taken away imo. What about a community that shares games with QA teams? What of a community that shares a certain genre of games with each other?

I put into question the Roblox group system’s entire existence. Why not just go to some other platform? (there’s the age probably, the >13 rule.) I’m assuming most who use the comments feature are bots/spam, but that’s an entirely different issue.

Anyways, new games not appearing for a few days sounds terrible! What if a team and I had been working for years on something, we hit launch day, and then realize that we can’t get on the discover page?

I’m not doubting that ‘misleading games’ are a problem on Roblox, as per my other reply to this thread, but the ‘solutions’ here would take away things from people who did nothing wrong.