Do you need 2FA to transfer group ownership and handle payouts?

Do you need 2FA to transfer group ownership and handle payouts? I want to know, because of this. You see, my friend owns a group, where I am the co owner. However, he can only use his laptop on certain days, so I think I would more easily manage the group, as I am on my laptop 24/7. However, he said this.

“I tried to transfer the ownership, but you need 2FA.”

Do you actually need 2FA to transfer group ownership? Because maybe he wanted to stay group owner but didn’t want to straight up say “no.” Also, do you need 2FA to handle payouts? I saw an announcement post about this saying something about payouts and 2FA so I wasn’t sure. Can someone help?


From a staff post:
Continuing the discussion from Account PIN now required for transferring group:

However, I think that this only applies if you have 2FA set up on your account already.

IG you can ask him to setup 2FA on his account, and if he declines to then you can assume he just didn’t want to say “no” straight up.

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He prob won’t because he got locked out of one of his old accounts that had **a lot **of robux because he forgot his email password, and even tho he can literally just write it down he doesnt want to risk losing another account

tho with no 2 step verification there’s a higher risk of losing your account…

he’s kinda weird lol