Docking Updates [Full Release]

Version all good (Version 0.605.2.6050658 (64bit))

Beta Activated & have restarted (several times now).

I should have taken a screen shot when I originally started earlier.
Closing now, I can’t replicate what parts it docks for me.
It seems to be when I restart the PC (as in next day) that I see the differences.

When I started Studio earlier, it had the Toolbox on the left (where I use it - but normally closed).
The others that were on the left (earlier) that I hardly use were, Editor (terrains - usually closed), 3D Text (plugin - usually closed) … andf at this time I can’t remember the 3rd one that was with them on the left (all in same Group (other empty).

On the right, I usually have Explorer (E1) & Properties (E0 - which I like side by side.
But if I close Explorer (in E1) - by the X in top right, it closes but when reopened, most times it is in the bottom section below Properties (in E0).
If I close Explorer via the menu, it will reappear in the original (E1) spot I had it in (seems always).

So maybe there is an issue with the X closing button.
I will monitor it more closely over the weekend.


It’s also very possible you got into some funky temporary state because we are keeping the new docking layout saved in a different place (and version) than “old” docking data. The regression and hot-fix made it possible for the new logic to try to work with the old data and vice-versa.

Thanks for helping to troubleshoot and giving feedback!


The method to have the explorer on the left of my screen (with same height that my viewport/scripts) no longer work since a placement option was removed in the last update


Update as promised:
Opening up today… this is my state… as in image.

Less on the left (closing last night - left nothing there) but at least it’s just the 3D text this time. Again, I haven’t used 3D text in months.

On the right I did have Explorer, but there was a slight anomaly, in that when I opened Studio, it was off screen… on my 2nd monitor.
I couldn’t move it (as top piece with the X on the right) was out of sight in the top section of 2nd monitor, so only way I could close/move it, was when I clicked the Explorer Button on the Studio tab.

By Closing it, then reopening it, it docked itself back in the right (as in the image).
It’s minor, but thought I’d just mention it, as it could be helpful on your end.

Pleasure to assist.



the buttons are acting weird on this window


I am also seeing 3D Text in my own Studio persistently appear. I suspect this is another one where the plugin developer has overridden the default behavior. We’re seeing the opposite “problem” with DataStore Editor where they explicitly set the plugin to always be hidden at start up… so one way of looking at it is the new docking system is actually revealing long standing issues like this.

I’ll still ask the devs to see if this is the case.


You can drag Explorer into that “Empty Docking Area” to the left to achieve pretty much the same result.


Yes but the difference would be the height of the explorer. I don’t need it to take that much height but just the same as the viewport so my output windows in the bottom can be more larger.
I reverted to the main docking system but I’ll active the beta again as soon it is fixed because it still have a better feeling.
Thank you for your help

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Seems I am having a LOT of Studio crashes today.
It started last night… but thought nothing of it… until more crashing today.

I seem to be getting crashes when I have the Output window undocked & on my 2nd monitor … so I can see the errors I was having more easily.

The problem arose when it was still in my 2nd monitor… do the test run… but when I click stop test run … it seems to crash studio.

It doesn’t seem to happen (EDIT: that much) when I have it docked in the normal spot (centre bottom).
I have an i7 Desktop with 8mb Memory, and task manager says it’s using 75% max.
It’s not top range… but should be decent enough for Studio.

So I’m not sure whats causing the crashing - a little annoying.

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Logs will be the most helpful here. Feel free to DM them to me.


Out of curiosity, where do you dock Properties?

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I seem to be unable to open the asset manager with this enabled:

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Yep I personally got this one too and the team has been digging into it. It went away for me the second time I tried to open Asset Manager from the View tab. Let me know if that works for you.

It seems this is a long standing timing issue that the new docking is bringing to light (we’ve had a few of these). We are getting tight on code cutoff before the end of year release so I can’t promise it will be resolved in the next update but we will get it fixed!

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Yeah a full width “South” has been a common request that we are going to address. That should enable this layout.


Sorry for the late feedback, but here we go.

This is a horrible change, Now the docks are taking more space than it should, When I want a dock to float, It ends up taking a ton of space, disrupting my building and ruining how I view them (I use an 1920x1080 monitor btw, not my monitor size issue as far as I’m aware), so I had to disable it for usability’s sake

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We didn’t change anything about floating panels from the current docking system, so I don’t understand your feedback. You are also free to change the size of each region by dragging the dividers. Can you share more? Maybe a screenshot?

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I have noticed a few bugs in studio crop up since this change was made. Note that I am using the old docking system, and I don’t know whether these bugs affect the new docking beta, so I’d appreciate if these can be fixed for users of the old docking system and ensured not to be bugs in the new system:

  • When trying to set the primary part property, it no longer supports clicking on instances in the explorer, and briefly shows the parts name before removing it a few milliseconds afterwards.

  • When selecting instances in the workspace, sometimes they are not selected in the explorer. While this bug has been an issue for a while now, I figured it was worth mentioning anyway, especially as I have seen it happen since the new docking beta.

  • The Reset button for the pivot control panel no longer works unless edit mode is implemented, why show the button if it won’t do anything, and why add more clicks to perform an action? This button is frequently used by developers to fix pivots not updated when parts within a model are added, deleted or scaled, or when the model is moved by a plugin or script, and studio leaves the pivot at its previous location.
    Actually, on that note, can the transform tool please use the combined movement and rotation tools that the edit pivot menu has? Its far more concise and fluid to use!

  • Whenever finishing actions or deselecting / selecting items, Studio automatically deselects the movement tool the developer has currently selected, and this is just outright stupid and breaking the flow of development for… whatever reason. Can this please be fixed? This can include changing instance properties, or merely selecting or deselecting instances in the explorer.

I’d appreciate if these issues can be looked into, and I look forward to using the new docking system!

Also, one major issue I have with the docking system is the forced minimum x and y sizes that each panel can have, and this size limitation varies between panel types too… I’d really like if the size can just be allowed to be whatever we choose, even if the size is considered “too small” for practical use.


Often when I try to drag animation editor to the bottom rectangle snap, it freezes and crashes studio, which hurts my productivity as I have to frequently re-open the place in studio. The image below is a screenshot of what the the freeze looks like.

Additionally, I do not like how whenever I try to drag a widget around, the layout snapping shows up immediately, this is very annoying as I sometimes like to put a widget in a corner, but instead it gets snapped into the layout, and there is nothing I can do about it other than try to fight it, which is a bad UX. I feel like instead, I should be required to hold a key if I want to snap something into the layout. Other than that, this is an okay change, but would be much better if the earlier mentioned issues were resolved.


Hello! Frankly none of your listed issues are related to docking. They sound almost all to be related to Explorer and selection in Viewport. I would encourage you to post these as separate issues in new topics/bugs so they are seen and tracked by the appropriate team.

On your minimum sizes concern: we enforce very little in the way of minimum or maximum sizing. This is all tricky with having to support completely independently develop plugin interfaces by many thousands of different developers over the course of many years. If you’re kind enough to switch the Beta Feature on and maybe share a screenshot or video of your issue that may be helpful to understand.

We will eventually switch this system over to be the default at some point in the future, so we thank you for giving it a go!