Does anyone know any good pet faces?


I am currently making some pets and i need some pet faces. Does anyone know any good packs?

I found one by GameLit but i don’t have twitter. (And i refuse to get it for obvious reasons lol)

If anyone has that pack or knows of any other packs, please send it to me!


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Maybe [OPEN SOURCE] Free Pet Faces! hope it helps

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I’ve seen them but they aren’t very high quality for what i need, there’s not many either.

Thanks for the help tho!

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These are not the best quality; however, they can help to get inspiration! I hope you are able to find at least one that stands out to you, I will update this if I find anymore.

[OPEN SOURCE] Free Pet Faces! - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox

Free pet faces [used photoshop] - Resources / Community Resources - Developer Forum | Roblox

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Iv’e seen almost all of them and the bottom ones are decent!

Not what i’m looking for but i will probably use them.

Thanks for the help anyway tho!

They do look quite funny on the kangaroo lol