Does Roblox support http/2 protocol?

Hey! I’m planning to switch my server to http/2, but I’m not sure if Roblox’s HttpService supports it already. Does anyhody know the answer?

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I think ROBLOX does not. I’ve looked up if the support for http/2 protocol is there, apparently not.

Keep in MIND, that this is from 2016, so I’m not sure if the site publishers update their ‘‘info’’ to be up to date.

EDIT 2 : There is currently no support for http/2 and it’s been verified!

Well. I’m not asking for Roblox website, but the engine (if it supports sending http/2 requests). Maybe I should describe it better.

I believe this question has been asked before: HTTP/2 HTTPService Support

Yeah, it’s very unlikely that they support https/2, just like their site.

I’m asking to make sure about that.

I realize. Im reviving it in another post as I am asking if there is sense in upgrading the protocol for my server.

If you run an echo server (for example, with node js, npx http-echo-server), you can see that Roblox sends HTTP/1.1 with its requests. Additionally, is you send a request to, it’ll tell you to revisit in an HTTP/2-supporting browser.

Roblox HTTP requests do not support HTTP/2.


That’s it. Thanks for the answer!