Does using regular datastoreservice without modules have any problems?

Session locking shouldn’t be too hard, it’s mainly another measure to prevent multiple servers attempting to overwrite data at the same time. Here’s a brief structure:

  • When the player joins, their data is retrieved. Data in the data store is updated with the current server’s JobId to lock the session. In this process, a check for a current lock is conducted. If a lock is found and the JobId is different to the current server’s JobId, the time the session was locked is checked and if it has been too long the lock is overwritten with the new lock.

  • When the player leaves, the os.time() value is added to the data when saving and the session lock is removed. This indicates when the data was last written to, helpful when we need to check for an outdated lock.

  • If a valid lock was found in step 1, we kick the player and don’t save their data because it is outdated. We then ask them to wait a bit before rejoining. This is because another server is currently trying to update the data store with newer data, helping to prevent data loss. We need to give this time to go through.

Basically, when checking for a lock, we need to check two things:

  • Is the lock outdated?
  • Was the lock created by this current server?

If both of these are yes, we can safely overwrite the lock with a new one.

I saw on your post in #development-discussion you mentioned HttpService… no you don’t need that at all. game.JobId is often used because it’s unique.

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Why isn’t session locking just built-in though? Doesn’t make sense.

I don’t know, that’s not really a question for me lol… but it might then lead on to “why doesn’t Roblox make that built in as well…” etc. until you loose the freedom of making certain things your own way. I made my session lock timeout 60 seconds for example.

I was just sorta like sharing how alot of services on roblox kinda suck, like datastoreservice just works. That’s it, but the more important things like session locking? Nope, devs gotta make it themselves. When it should’ve probably just been a thing that roblox made themselves for devs. Just like the ban API, devs shouldn’t have had to make a datastore ban thing for example.