Donation Board Stopped Working

Donation board by Nitefal Stopped working this is the script.
The people who already donated are showed on the leaderboard but new people that donated they are not why ?

module.Products = {
		ProductPrice = 10, --The price from the Developer Product.
		ProductId = 1080062697 -- The ID from the Developer Product.	
		ProductPrice = 25, --The price from the Developer Product.
		ProductId = 1080069328 -- The ID from the Developer Product.	
		ProductPrice = 50, --The price from the Developer Product.
		ProductId = 1080087844 -- The ID from the Developer Product.	
		ProductPrice = 100, --The price from the Developer Product.
		ProductId = 1080095651 -- The ID from the Developer Product.	
		ProductPrice = 1000, --The price from the Developer Product.
		ProductId = 1080096701 -- The ID from the Developer Product.	
		ProductPrice = 2500, --The price from the Developer Product.
		ProductId = 1080135157 -- The ID from the Developer Product.	
		ProductPrice = 5000, --The price from the Developer Product.
		ProductId = 1080137140 -- The ID from the Developer Product.		
		ProductPrice = 10000, --The price from the Developer Product.
		ProductId = 1080098081 -- The ID from the Developer Product.		
		ProductPrice = 1, --The price from the Developer Product.
		ProductId = 1080154801 -- The ID from the Developer Product.	
	},	```
```--module.AbortCustomPurchases = true``` --READ Below for what this does. 

return module

For the more advanced scripters, READ THIS!
if you're already using the function ProcessReceipt then you must add custom code for this board to work,
as only one of these functions may be used in a game.

to disable the ProcessReceipt function from this board, unquote this above the 'return module' line:
module.AbortCustomPurchases = true

you can update the boards datastore with this line:
game:GetService("DataStoreService"):GetOrderedDataStore("TopDonators"):IncrementAsync(PlayerId, ProductPrice)        
-PlayerId, the id from the player who bought the product.
 -ProductPrice, the developer products price (In Rs!)

No you can’t and it will not work. What is this?

You can’t use GeGetService…

I made a mistake when i tried to fix it and i changed it to GetService like the normally when u spawn the donation board model it still don’t work

Could you please format your code using ``` that way we can see the script easier?

``` --this is how you do it ```

I believe it is because Roblox had a problem with their datastores This issue should be fixed now :slight_smile:

Yes, I know but it saves the people that buy the Dev Products in a datastore. This is obvious if you look at the code…

The leaderboard does not update instantly, it may take a few seconds/minutes to update.

I know what formatted code is but she is using the code from Nitefal and the code saves the donators to a datastore

But still nothing happened 4 hours later

did you add Buttons? if you added TextLabel its wont work.