Play the game here: Don't Press The Button [UPDATE] - Roblox
- Equipped Particles now save!
- Gave the shop gui a small rehaul
- Rounds now end whenever there’s a last person standing!
6 new Stages!
- Speedrun
- Correct Pad
- Mysterious Lever
- Trampoline
- Snowball Fight
- Hot Potato
7 new Items!
- Staff of the Woodlands - 250 Coins
- Marching Drum - 230 Coins
- Clown Bomb - 230 Coins
- Red Stratobloxxer - 220 Coins
- Protest Sign: Noobs - 100 Coins
- Roblox Snowglobe - 100 Coins
- Pumpkin Bucket - 75 Coins
4 new Particles!
- Bubbles - 100 Diamonds
- Crazy. Studios Logo - 100 Diamonds
- Ducks - 100 Diamonds
- Question Marks - 100 Diamonds
Made some other small changes
- The camera on the Picture stage can’t be blocked by anyone anymore
- The Witch Brew stage’s been extended by a bit
- Fixed the Leaderboard randomly breaking
Enjoy the new stuff everyone!