STATUS: I’m now open for commissions.
Hi, call me Daniel. I’ve animated on ROBLOX for 3 years.
I animate in both R6 and R15.I use xsixx’s Moon Animator 2 plugin and blender to animate.
I also do GFX, spanish translation, building. but still working on 'em.
NOTE: I’m currently using commissions as my only source of income while putting them to better my equipment, if you wanna support me, commission!
Work I have done, please let me know if you need more from me or I need to improve.
Noob vs Slender
Noob with a Knife (M1s)
Smear Test
Unfinished Skit
Katana M1s
Noob killing Guest
Custom Rigs / experiments
Please take your time to carefully read through this entire section.
Prices are negotiable.
- Robux - This payment method is optional, but not preferred.
- USD (PayPal) - The payment method I am mostly going for.
My Pricing:
- Animation Set | 500 - 1K Robux or $5 - $15
- Skits | 5K - 15K Robux or $45 - $200
- Viewmodels | 1K - 2K Robux or $10 - $25 each set
- Cutscenes or Trailers | 10K - 50K Robux or $250 - $1000
- Builds | 1K - 10K Robux or $25 - $100
You can negotiate other requests.
First come, first serve. Be patient on your commission.
You can request previews regarding work. don’t ask for too much.
Im unfortunately not accepting returns/refunds, if you find something wrong with animations, or find the services bad, let me know for me to improve.
If you are into hiring me, I am only interested and forward into trusted AND known ROBLOX development teams/groups with decent amounts of members and hourly/weekly payment.
Have at least, you or your team, some sorts of knowledge about animation.
Be brief and specific on what you want me to animate, including what type of style, etc.
Try not to go really overkill on your commission, I may be busy with other stuff.
Please do not rush or pester me often as work will result in me either adding less effort, get you to pay extra or not even finish.
I’m currently not accepting any sorts of unknown or unavailable payment methods from my residence. (Mexico)
(ex. CashApp, Stripe, etc.) -
Be active, i’ll usually wait for responses in only a few hours/days, so stay in contact.
Please speak proper english and keep a positive attitude.
Do payment first if you’re commissioning, after paying, i’ll send you the animations.
Im not doing NSFW, or anything that makes the process uncomfortable.
Please have the money ready to pay at anytime. If you don’t comply, I won’t work for you.
- Monday - 1:20 P.M. to 9:25 P.M.
- Tuesday - 2:10 P.M. to 8:40 P.M.
- Wednesday - 2:10 P.M. to 8:40 P.M. (same as tuesday)
- Thursday - 12:35 P.M. to 9:25 P.M.
- Friday - 12:25 P.M to 11 P.M.
Available all day on weekends.
Due to personal reasons, my availability sometimes might be a delayed or early.
dpir_ @danielplaysinr1Do not send me direct messages via the DevForum as I might ignore them.
Join my server if you need to.
I don’t have much at the moment since I haven’t been commissioned that often.
1. Da Hood Ripoff Game
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Job: Builder (laid off)
Team: DBH Studio (out of business)
Timeline: August to October 2023
Used to be a builder for a Da Hood copy (known as Dab Hood) for a month until the game was sold to someone and recent allegations between the Owner’s manipulation against their workers.
My job was to recreate builds from the original game, Da Hood.
I was only able to make the Gas Station, the houses and the Police Station, as my time working there was short.
I was getting paid 2.4K Robux for every build and I made 8.2K Robux.
Here’s some work I made and revamped.
My building work is no longer being used.
2. Star Wars Roleplay Game
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I was commissioned by the owner to make some animations for their Star Wars project.
My task was to animate 9 sets, heavily inspired by Star Wars.
Surprisingly, I was commissioned twice!
I was paid $125 for my work.
Work I made. (I only managed to get a few clips due to file sizes)
3. RORVIK aka. Mining GO!
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Team: Blue Bamboo Games
I was commissioned by one of the Lead Developers to animate their Custom Rigs to life by animating a movement set.
My task what to animate walk, running, jump, anything else for their rigs.
I was commissioned 4 times and paid R$4650 for my work!