DPIR | Animator (OPEN)

STATUS: I’m now open for commissions. :ballot_box_with_check:

Hi, call me Daniel. I’ve animated on ROBLOX for 3 years.
I animate in both R6 and R15.

I use xsixx’s Moon Animator 2 plugin and blender to animate.
I also do GFX, spanish translation, building. but still working on 'em.

NOTE: I’m currently using commissions as my only source of income while putting them to better my equipment, if you wanna support me, commission!

Work I have done, please let me know if you need more from me or I need to improve.


Noob vs Slender
Noob with a Knife (M1s)
Smear Test
Unfinished Skit
Katana M1s
Noob killing Guest


Walking Soldier
Nichijou Running
Can you remember the rain?
Realistic Running

Custom Rigs / experiments

Rthro Walk
Electro Stickman
Little Guy

Viewmodels (old)

Glock 17
Sawed Off


Please take your time to carefully read through this entire section.

Prices are negotiable.

  • Robux - This payment method is optional, but not preferred.
  • USD (PayPal) - The payment method I am mostly going for.

My Pricing:

  • Animation Set | 500 - 1K Robux or $5 - $15
  • Skits | 5K - 15K Robux or $45 - $200
  • Viewmodels | 1K - 2K Robux or $10 - $25 each set
  • Cutscenes or Trailers | 10K - 50K Robux or $250 - $1000
  • Builds | 1K - 10K Robux or $25 - $100

You can negotiate other requests.

  • First come, first serve. Be patient on your commission.

  • You can request previews regarding work. don’t ask for too much.

  • Im unfortunately not accepting returns/refunds, if you find something wrong with animations, or find the services bad, let me know for me to improve.

  • If you are into hiring me, I am only interested and forward into trusted AND known ROBLOX development teams/groups with decent amounts of members and hourly/weekly payment.

  • Have at least, you or your team, some sorts of knowledge about animation.

  • Be brief and specific on what you want me to animate, including what type of style, etc.

  • Try not to go really overkill on your commission, I may be busy with other stuff.

  • Please do not rush or pester me often as work will result in me either adding less effort, get you to pay extra or not even finish.

  • I’m currently not accepting any sorts of unknown or unavailable payment methods from my residence. (Mexico)
    (ex. CashApp, Stripe, etc.)

  • Be active, i’ll usually wait for responses in only a few hours/days, so stay in contact.

  • Please speak proper english and keep a positive attitude. :slight_smile:

  • Do payment first if you’re commissioning, after paying, i’ll send you the animations.

  • Im not doing NSFW, or anything that makes the process uncomfortable.

  • Please have the money ready to pay at anytime. If you don’t comply, I won’t work for you.


  • Monday - 1:20 P.M. to 9:25 P.M.
  • Tuesday - 2:10 P.M. to 8:40 P.M.
  • Wednesday - 2:10 P.M. to 8:40 P.M. (same as tuesday)
  • Thursday - 12:35 P.M. to 9:25 P.M.
  • Friday - 12:25 P.M to 11 P.M.

Available all day on weekends.

Due to personal reasons, my availability sometimes might be a delayed or early.



Do not send me direct messages via the DevForum as I might ignore them.
Join my server if you need to.

I don’t have much at the moment since I haven’t been commissioned that often.

1. Da Hood Ripoff Game

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Job: Builder (laid off)
Team: DBH Studio (out of business)
Timeline: August to October 2023


Used to be a builder for a Da Hood copy (known as Dab Hood) for a month until the game was sold to someone and recent allegations between the Owner’s manipulation against their workers.

My job was to recreate builds from the original game, Da Hood.

I was only able to make the Gas Station, the houses and the Police Station, as my time working there was short.

I was getting paid 2.4K Robux for every build and I made 8.2K Robux.

Here’s some work I made and revamped.
My building work is no longer being used.

Work I did:

2. Star Wars Roleplay Game

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I was commissioned by the owner to make some animations for their Star Wars project.

My task was to animate 9 sets, heavily inspired by Star Wars.
Surprisingly, I was commissioned twice!

I was paid $125 for my work.

Work I made. (I only managed to get a few clips due to file sizes)

3. RORVIK aka. Mining GO!

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Team: Blue Bamboo Games


I was commissioned by one of the Lead Developers to animate their Custom Rigs to life by animating a movement set.

My task what to animate walk, running, jump, anything else for their rigs.

I was commissioned 4 times and paid R$4650 for my work!

Work I made.

The sleeping roach (extra)

Thank you for taking your time to read. :v:

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