Dragger QoL Improvements [Beta]

I havent been bothered too look through the entire thing but it looks pretty useful!


It should be a hold ctrl to disable sorta situation imo. Like in many other softwares.
edit: that is how it works, hadnt tried it!


I recently made move handles similar to that of unitys, could we see something like this? imo roblox is lacking by not having the ability to drag along planes


You’re dragging me into the afterlife with all these QOL improvements. You even got the hotkey hints in there. This was the first request I was thinking of halfway through reading the thread. :heart_eyes:

With the numerical input boxes on the draggers, is it possible to just start typing numbers while dragging to avoid having to do the mouse finagling? This is a blender feature, typing while dragging on some axis will set the movement/scale/rotate delta on the dragged axis and lock further mouse interaction until released and re-grabbed. Would love if this was possible.


Okay this is really good. The distance measurements, explicit distance input, grid snap ruler and pretty much everything in there is what dragger missed out (ESPECIALLY mesh compartibility, this is truly a blessing).

Sometimes what engineers are doing are straight bangers and improve the life as a developer. It was pain trying to find precise size to scale say a brick to touch other brick without soft snapping (although resize align exists, but it generally rocks at arbitrary angle corners), and so is changing snapping to arbitrary value you need to move your part at and then reverting it to normal.

Some questions I’d like an answer on:

Would this hotkey change apply to only those who don’t have default hotkeys edited, or will it be changed for everyone without exceptions? Asking it because you can change those hotkeys in the shortcut customization tab.

Are there any plans to implement movement along the plane or along the plane of the screen, and would there be some additional ways to rotate objects (like trackball)?

It might be a bit offtopic, but are the environmental and VFX limitations (e.q lighting and say post-processing like chromatic abberation) still under radar and are to be addressed some day? I know there is currently GPU-based lighting under development (which i believe will apply to Voxel lighting because it bottlenecked i5-3570K a lot :/. Future is already GPU based so that’s out of the question), but are those not forgotten yet?

(i kinda didnt knew how do i write this constructively enough but here we go, took me forever.)


This is only a change to the default shortcuts. If you had the shortcuts customized the customizations will remain and continue to take precedence.

The rotate tool is due for a complete overhaul, which is actually why it didn’t get that much attention this time around (it needs a rewrite, not just some QoL changes).

Moving in the plane of the screen is likely outside of the scope of the current Studio draggers. Planar drag (drag on two axis at once) is actually something I’ve prototyped but it will take more work to happen. It would likely have to come alongside changing the move handles to not being double-sided, which is a big change.

I can’t speak for details on those things since it’s not my area but I do know that the top ask in light range does have active work underway on it.


All building suite plugins are now obsolete, this is amazing.


I feel like this should be manually toggleable and also available with snapping turned on.

I second this, although I don’t find the F3X implementation to be comfortable. It’s too obscure, sometimes it wants to cooperate, sometimes doesn’t… Plus when I want to make a quick change during gameplay, having to dive in through these directories instead of point and click is pretty inefficient.


The response regarding my questions makes it feel like a dream. Finally something made my week better with new dragger QoL and potential rotation system improvements, and also the fact that engineers arent stalling with the most common concerns about lights.
Looking forward for future dragger improvements and other improvements that make it easier for us to create things. Compared to much older dragger, the newest is by few orders times better than what it was far back then.


Are we going to see any improvements regarding moving attachments? Working with complicated mechanisms is currently really painful.

  • Some constraints are always created in a position in which they won’t work; sometimes manually copying the position of one attachment and pasting it to the other is required
  • We cannot decide if the attachments should move or stay in place when moving/resizing a part

There’s actually a separate project underway to address some of the constraint workflow pains, though it’s too early to promise any specifics from that.

This set of improvements should make some common tasks such as centering attachments much easier, but we know the overall constraint flows need a lot of work.


Glad to see more and more great features for Roblox Studio. Keep up the GREAT work Roblox!


Amazing. Finally a good ROBLOX update

Bravo to the guys who made this


Awesome Update, I would love to see a way to mirror objects.


I love these features, however I’ve noticed a severe difference in performance on very high part count models (~20,000 parts). When initiating movement using the move tool studio will freeze for several seconds until the UI pops up and then I can move the model at a reasonable frame rate. While this already happened before, it is much worse now, and while this may be an edge case it is enough for me to disable the beta.


I knew we were going to get something special for v600! :smiley:

These changes seem like they’ll be very useful, thank you to the staff who worked on the update, and making v600 extra special!


It’s a pretty cool thought. I’m not a fan of measuring rulers. I’ll say it’s kind of good to be updated. I don’t know what to say.


Are there plans to expose functions which allow developers to use these handles + draggers in game / in a plugin?


I’ll post an updated zip file of the DraggerFramework code when we do a full release. I didn’t post it yet because we should get our beta fixes done before distributing that code.


Oh hey, a change that’s amazing instead of disastrous! Glad to see draggers are getting worked on more.

Maybe someday we could have Blender-like draggers? The ability to move along view planes, along with moving along the screen, would be awesome.

Overall though, 10/10 update!