`Duration` returned from `AssetService:SearchAudio()` produces rounded values

When reading any Duration field from results returned from AssetService:SearchAudio(), you will notice they’re all rounded to the nearest integer. This is an issue for any experience that wants to display lists of Audio and want to accurately display how long they are. In Clip It specifically, we display hundreds of Audio, and cannot afford to load them into memory JUST to display their accurate duration.

Expected behavior

I would expect Duration to provide an accurate value

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Hi @pashleyy thanks for filing this report.

How accurate do you need this data to be? Would it be acceptable if it is off by a few milliseconds?

I’d say a few milliseconds is fine yeah, I think accuracy up to like 0.001 would be all we’d need.

Hey! Was wondering if there’s been any updates to this? I saw that Duration is currently broken so it reminded me to come check up on this.

The reason Duration is broken is mentioned in this thread:

And yes this break was caused by me working on this request. Once the fix goes out it will take a few more weeks to update the data in our databases to be more accurate.

Thank you so much! I’ve really appreciated all your help regarding audio these past few months! :smiley:

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