E circle bouncing

Today I have run into an issue with creating my own “E circle”. As you can see in this video the circle bounces, I would like it to be smooth. Similar to Roblox’s ProximityPrompt. Video of the problem here.


Here is the script I am using to make this work.


local Gui = script.Parent.ScreenGui
local progress = Gui.Progress
local Frame1 = Gui.Frame
local Frame2 = Frame1.Frame
local UIGradient = Frame1.UIGradient
local TweenService = game:GetService('TweenService')
local TweenInforamtion = TweenInfo.new(5,Enum.EasingStyle.Quad,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0)
local TweenToComplete = TweenService:Create(progress,TweenInforamtion,{Value = 0})
local RunService = game:GetService('RunService')


	local Val = progress.Value
	local NewTransparency = NumberSequence.new{
		NumberSequenceKeypoint.new( 0 , 0 ), --(Time, TransparencyValue)  
		NumberSequenceKeypoint.new( math.clamp(Val*10000,1,9998)/10000 , 0 ),
		NumberSequenceKeypoint.new( math.clamp(Val*10000 + 1,2,9999)/10000 , 1 ),
		NumberSequenceKeypoint.new( 1 , 1 )
	UIGradient.Rotation = Val * 180 + 90
	UIGradient.Transparency = NewTransparency

I apologize if the video does not work. This is my first time trying to upload one.

Well why not just use proximity prompts in the first place? They will be easier…

I might be missing something but I don’t see your issue, can you please tell me what your having problems with?

I’m guessing it’s to make a proximity prompt similar to jailbreak’s. It’s a lot more simple to look at, everytime I use proximity prompts, I always think that it looks a little too complicated. Would be nice if you could modify the looks of proximity prompts.

You can, using prompts+ . It is a waste of resources and time to make your own whole custom interaction system. But still, if I can help him its worth a shot :slight_smile:

I do not want to use a ProximityPrompt in the first place because I do not want to use its Gui or a GUI that looks like it. It feels very repetitive to go into games and see the same Grey prompt. Like in Jailbreak it looks good. I like the look and idea of being able to make a Gui however I want.

You might need to fullscreen the video to see but, the circle bounces when Rotating.

Yea I don’t see anything wrong with the circle? It stays still for me.

Like I said, prompts+ can help you customize prompts.

Could you explain a little more about your code and setup? What effect exactly are you trying to achieve by tweening the UIGradient’s Transprency? Why those weird clamped values in your NumberSequence?

Also, you can use TweenService to animation UIGradients directly, see:

(Although I’m not sure if that works for your particular use case)

It is the outer ring, it shakes a the top. Sorry if I was being unclear.

Oh, I completely forgot about the fact that I could Tween the Offset. Thanks for recommending that.

My code setup is exactly what I put in the Post. Here is what it looks like in the Explorer.


I am trying to make an effect that is similar to Roblox’s own ProximityPrompts. The part where the wheel spins. I am looking to use this to make a loading screen/ClickPrompt. I do not want to use a ProximityPrompt and or Prompts+.

As for the weird clamped values I was trying to make it so I could adjust the transparency without weird glitches, also visible in the video.

I don’t think you can accomplish what you want with gradients (Lol I think this module uses gradients!), but I did find this module which does this: