[Early Preview] Studio Script Sync

Developing a built-in version control system in Studio will be a significant effort, partly due to the different workflows and needs of scripters and builders.
To begin, we will focus on enhancing content versioning and introducing detailed place version history starting 2025. With that, you will be able to add place version notes, rename versions, filter versions, and search for specific content changes.

Will this impact the version number that’s returned from endpoints such as https://develop.roblox.com/v1/assets/{place_id}/versions? Or is it purely a semantic name that’s assigned to a version number?

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Hey @sanosuke298, @orangepineappel

We have identified the root cause for the encoding issue. Expect to see a fix out within a couple weeks.

Thanks for your helpful reports!

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(More words to satisfy the system: Of course doing a full git-like system would be difficult. Any improvement is appreciated.)

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There is currently a workflow-breaking issue when editing auto-saved files in VSC with multiple cursors.

How to recreate (possibly):

  1. Close the editing tab of a script in studio
  2. Sync the file to disk
  3. Open the file in VSC (i don’t know if this issue also occurs on other editors) and make sure the program is set to auto-save files on a time interval (mine is set to once every second)
  4. Edit the file with multiple cursors (10-20 simultaneously)

This errors should occur randomly when trying to write something to the file. Thing is, i remember editing a couple of lines without reopening the editing script tab in studio, and when i reopened the file again this morning i discovered that the edits I’ve done were not saved.

Apparently if i keep the script editor tab opened in studio this issue doesn’t seem to happen.

This looks bad! Good catch, we’re investigating now. We’ll keep you posted.


Thanks for this report!

We think that the issue is due to your “End of Line Sequence” setting being set to CRLF. Currently, we only support LF. Changing this setting should fix the issue for you. Please let us know if the issue persists.

We will work on addressing this.

I’d really like to start using VSCode for scripting so that I can have my code editor in a persistent window on my second monitor, but am really missing some Roblox-specific things like the automatic do-end block creation when you hit Enter. Any external tool pros here who have some tips to make it more like the Studio editor, or at least how I can get started on doing it myself?

Yes… having the Studio script editor open on the 2nd monitor is nice … until you do a test and it resets back into Studio on monitor #1 - Annoying indeed. :frowning:

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have you taken a look at luau-lsp? it has auto-completion options for things like do-end blocks.

Pretty neat feature but why would somebody want to use a third-party editor rather than Roblox’s provided script editor?

Quick update regarding Script Sync:

We have moved the Sync context-menu actions to a more suitable place.

You will see them in their own dedicated section, below “View Script Changes” and above “Save to File”

Happy Coding!


Are there plans to make it possible to sync Scripts/ModuleScripts that are packages? Presumably after enabling editing on the script itself.

I noticed it was impossible to do currently while testing out the sync.

Scripts inside packages can be synced currently but not scripts that are themselves the root Instance of a package. We plan to resolve this!


Will we ever get more than just script syncing? Like for example, having the Roblox studio place in a folder with information such as object information, scripts, and other information to allow Source control like Github to work besides just replicating the Roblox Synced scripts into a folder.

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I spoke about this a little above

The answer is, it’s not something we’re working on at the moment. We are thinking about the other content types that could benefit from syncing though.


Hi, I been using this feature for 2 months now. Honestly it feels great, being able to use great tools inside VSCode for developing my game almost seamlessly, I would like to give ideas on some quality life improvements this feature could have:

  • Remember the last path location of the script file.
  • Not overwritting the file when you re-sync the script from an existing file.
  • Make suport for the Next Gen Explorer.

This feature for some reason made coding for me very enjoyable, it’s just those 3 things that could smooth things up a ton even if they are just small.

Potential bug

If you sync the script from Roblox Studio and it has characters like (ó, í, ñ …) the moment it overwrittes the file from resync, those characters become <?> inside VSCode. Like the 2nd picture here:
[Early Preview] Studio Script Sync - #102 by sanosuke298

Thank you for trying it out and giving us your feedback!

Good news, we’re actively working on this! The idea is when you restart Studio, everything resumes syncing.

Our plan here is to ask you if you want to use the file’s contents, or overwrite it when you start syncing. We have a quick mock up for this in the original post under ‘Starting sync from the state on disk, rather than the state in Studio’

Yeah, we’re sorry about this! This one slipped through the cracks. We’ll be fixing this in January but until then you’ll have to disable the Next Gen Explorer to use Script Sync.


Unfortunately, that is a known bug. We have a fix for this, but we didn’t finish it in time for the code freeze. This one will go out in Jan.


I love this, this was one of the main things that was tickling me a little but is good to hear it is being worked.

That’s perfect, I really appreciate the answers. I hope you and the team happy holidays. :heart:

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