Easy 1D Color Picker

An hour or two.
There was a small bug that was driving me crazy.
Fixed by typing a single world. A good half an hour of my life I’ll never get back though lol

If you have any personal questions, please PM me instead of posting it here.
Let’s keep this post open for bug reports and suggestions for improvements.


Hey, this might be a late reply but I was wondering how to convert the color variable to RGB? Because the color variable returns the expected color gradient in between any given colors and not the RGB value of the color chosen.

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If you’re trying to get the Red Green and Blue values of any Color3 value, you can simply do

Red = Color.R*255
Green = Color.G*255
Blue = Color.B*255


This is an amazing open source resource! I wanted to make a character creator gui but wanted to make it very customizable, and this is perfect! (I also like the fact that you can change the colors using ui gradients!)

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This is really good!
I used it in this little project I have been working on:
It works perfectly!

Thank you.


I added onto your Color Picker GUI and added a custom input and added a second bar below the rainbow bar to make the color darker. I also made the GUI rounded.

Update : I added a little bit of white behind the pink on the top bar

When you change the color of the top bar, it changes the UIGradient color of the bottom bar like this:
Here’s the model if you want to copy it :


How can I make it so that I can select different shades of white? At first it is there on the bottom, but once I drag the slider on top, there is no way of getting the white to black gradient on the bottom. I hope it make sense

You could try editing the top gradient to include the White color.

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Thanks it worked out perfectly!

Is there any plans to have this Color Picker support selecting like a very light color?

It seems if the second ‘satuation’ bar could go to ‘white’ would help selecting a more accurate color between white, light blue, blue, darkblue, black.

Edit: Seems like it was easy to manually support this by adding another color into the Bottom ColorSequence.

Line 52, ColorPickerLocalTop

local Color = ColorSequence.new{

Edit: Noticed you needed to use ColorSequenceKeypoint to define where to set the colors.


If you are interested, at dat.GUI I have implemented a Color Picker and the source code is available on github. At the moment it does not work on mobile (it was not the initial goal of the lib), but it can be useful for the evolution of your component, which is getting very nice.




Great job, thank you! One suggestion is to add a SetColor() method which sets the color panel on the left as well as the picker bar location.

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Thank you! You are in my game credits!


wow, thanks, this will help my game soo much

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This is probably really good if you want the players customize the lighting by themselves!

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Extremely late to this.

Any possible way to convert this into a SurfaceGUI? Since you indicated it does not work on these, but I need it like that.

Any possible way? yes
Will I do it for you? i’m busy atm, so probably no

That’s fine lol

I’ve already tried many times, can’t figure a way.

Is it possible to add this GUI to tool or key bind for change the lightsaber outer blade and inner blade colors?

how do i get the color3 that the user has choosen